View Full Version : need some help please not sure what to do?

07-03-09, 09:47
I have been taking citalopram for about 3-4 days now and i went to a party last night and got drunk,i take my citalopram (20mg) in the mornings,am not sure i shud take it when i have got a hangover? can someone help plz?

Pink Panic
07-03-09, 10:18
I'm sure you shouldn't have been drinking while taking this med ! :unsure:

07-03-09, 10:29
it was just a one off,i have took it just so ii havent missed one lol but im not going to do it again i want to get better not worse,was just at a party,have a few to many,you know how it is lol

08-03-09, 07:03
Avoid drinking alcohol while taking citalopram. The combined
effects of citalopram and alcohol can make you feel more drowsy.

08-03-09, 08:02
May I also say that drinking alcohol also provides the body with a stimulant which directly affects the blood sugar levels, activates the adrenal glands and creates a raft of changes in the physiology. Smoking causes similar reactions. Alcohol use whilst taking meds is a bad idea!