View Full Version : can anyone relate to this?

07-03-09, 13:54
So after i changed my diet i started to notice i was panicking about my eyes and i had an eye test turns out it was just my astigmatism.

The problem is I was fearing i had a brain tumor and i still have these wierd kind of symptoms and its scaring me

I keep fearing that i will lose my mind and start hallucinating like an insane person

My mind is constantly racing in a loop of voices and songs, stuff that doesnt even make sense

I will get horrible voices and thoughts and random swear words in my head not like real or anything

I am having a hard time focusing and very forgetful and when i read words i sometimes make a mistake and add words to them that arent there, is that even normal?? I make spelling mistakes too

DO i have something wrong with me? Am i going nuts or schizo?

07-03-09, 18:07
I was like this when my anxiety was sky high, it is a for m of severe anxiety honestly you won't go nuts hun, its just severe anxiety pure and simple, have a word with the doctor if you are scared all the time you might need some medication to get through the worst part of it how old are you I am 42 and was convinced it was some sort of
dementia or schizophrenia.

Take care babe


07-03-09, 18:31
Hello I agree I used to have this when my anxiety and depression was at its highest. When I used to be filling up the car with fuel I used to find myself imagining throwing the fuel around and setting light to it.

All that has settled down now, but it was very scary at the time, I felt very strung out. May be you should visit your doctor and they could prescribe you something.

07-03-09, 19:51
Thanks for your replies. yeah im not taking anything right now. So is missing out words when reading and reading it all wrong to do with anxiety too?

08-03-09, 11:16

I totally agree with the replies you've had so far. And yes, reading things "wrongly" and missing words out definately happens to me, and others, when anxiety kicks in - grr!

10-03-09, 16:59

There is a differeent between thoughts and words that come into your head and actually hearing voices.

If you are talking about thoughts, words, songs that come into your head, that is normal.

If you, however, hear voices which do not come from anyone around you (actually hear them as you hear normal speech) then you should let your doctor know to make sure things are ok.

It is so common to worr y about going mad. I am terrified about schizophrenia even though i dont have any of the symptoms...