View Full Version : Feeling nervous AGAIN!

07-03-09, 14:49
the past few months have been a nightmare with constant feeling week and faint, iv had blood tests for thyroid etc all came back clear, started to feel as normal as possible about a week ago, however i had a sore throat last weekend and i felt rough but it didnt bother me, i noticed i had white spots on my tonsils so i went the doctors on thursday (even though i felt ok and didnt have a sore throat) the doctor said i have a throat infection and put me on 2000mg of penicillin vk a day! i asked him and the chemist if that dose was a bit high and they both said it was ok, iv woke up today feeling nervous, tinglin sensation in my head and very weak! my head is so heavy i feel like im cracking up! just when i thought i was geting over this im now starting to think there must be something wrong with me??!! just dont know how to cope anymore.

kerry d
07-03-09, 17:07
hi have you taken penicillin befor you might just be paniking incase you are having a reaction im like it with every tablet i take it can end up in a full blown panic attack and make you ill try not to think about it if you are worried seek medical advice take care