View Full Version : Always terrified & it's ruining my life

07-03-09, 15:22
I am always having one symptom of anxiety or another, even when I feel content, all of a sudden my heart will flip flop or I will have a full day where it feels like I can't breathe. They say panic attacks only last like 15 minutes.... I can have symptoms that last all day. I have a daughter that will be 6 soon, and I want to be a good mom to her, as well as actually enjoy life myself.... I am allergic to all antibiotics but one, so I guess that is part of why I am afraid of getting sick, and my dad had a heart attack young, but I can't seem to find one happy moment. My daughter was supposed to have tubes put in her ears and her adenoids out last tuesday because she has been sick since september --- well that is stressful enough, for me anyhow but she woke up that morning throwing up. they had us come in anway in case it was nerves, and then waited three hours while she was puking to decide to reschedule for next tuesday.... the next day i start throwing up too, and then the next day my dad who was with us at the time..... so yup a bug...... but its still not gone, now we both have tummy aches and diarrhea... she is supposed to have her surgery tuesday and i can't seem to catch my breath today I am panicking so bad.... last month i had a cold turn into bronchitis, with a yucky wheeze rattle, and it was right after a tummy bug , and i took 20 days of antibiotics and it didnt go...... my nose feels a little stuffy today and my throat felt a little coated when i woke up, so now im freaking...... im sure thats why im panicknig, and ive tried breathing, and everything but i can't stop worrying. What if I ge tto sick to care for her after her surgery?? What if I can't handle all this stress and have a heart attack? I'm only 28, I wanna have a life again, any ideas? Thanks for reading this, sorry it turned into a book....

kerry d
07-03-09, 17:11
hi i know just how you feel, i feel like that every day i used to be so bubbly and the life and soul of the party but now i just spend my time sitting in my room and going work i have two great kids and a loving partner who doesnt understand why i should feel like this i suffer with health anxiety and it is awful i wish i could just wake up one day and be back to my oldself take care

07-03-09, 19:52
Well you are having a stressful time what with your daughter and the fact that you have been ill. You are run down for a start.

That feeling when you can't get a full breath is so horrible. My shrink told me to blow out as if I was blowing a candle out. Try it - just imagine you are blowing a candle out and keep doing it. Also hold your breath for as long as you can.

I do know how you feel and I have every sympathy- whenyou have little children you so want to be well to take care of them. Rest assured though, you are a good mum full stop. Take care xxxxxxx