View Full Version : Health anxiety following blood clot on the lung

Glos girl
07-03-09, 17:13

I have recently been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I have general anxiety where I feel uneasy most of the time but also have health anxiety as 6 weeks ago I was rushed into hospital and was told I had a blood clot on the lung. I am getting treatment for this (Warfarin) so in the back of my mind, I know that my blood is thin and it is impossible for me to get another clot whilst I'm on it. I finally faced up to the fact that I have anxiety and slight depression 10 days ago and went to the doctor to ask for help. Having said that, I have been a regular in the surgery over the last year as I had this underlying fear that something was wrong. The doctor has put me on 10mg of Citalopram and has told me that it will take at least 2 weeks to feel the effect. I have read in the details with the tablets that people with anxiety/panic attacks will have heightened anxiety in the first 2 weeks. Has anyone out there had similar experience to me and have you felt more anxious in the first two week using Citalopram? I would be grateful for your advice. Thank you. Julia.

07-03-09, 20:45
Hi Julia

I sorry i can't answer your question regarding Citalopram as i am not on that medication, but i'm sure someone will be along to answer it for you.

I'm suffering with my chest at the moment and was wondering if you could let me know how it came about you finding out you had a clot on your lung? What were your symptoms....hope you don't mind me asking?

07-03-09, 20:55
Hello Julia

I just started taking the same as you 10mg citalopram last Monday 2nd March, you said it takes two weeks to take effect that helps me as I feel no different, I am taking it as a relaxer as I have been suffering tension/Anxieety headaches for weeks now. so any adive on it would be help to me also. good luck to you.

Glos girl
12-03-09, 19:22
Hi Trish

I had pains in my calves for a few months before I had the clot on the lung and the doctor kept saying it was nothing to worry about as my leg wasn't swollen. I have been feeling unwell for quite some time and the day I was rushed into hospital, I had a tight feeling across my chest and didn't know what to do with myself. Then the pains became more intense and I started hyperventilating (which I think was a panic attack!). Thank god, I had the panic attack as who knows what may have happened!

Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon.


12-03-09, 19:45
Wow Julia how lucky were you.......i bet that's the first panic attack that you've welcomed!!!

Thank you for the info and i wish you good health from here on.
