View Full Version : Some advice please, Acid Reflux ?

07-03-09, 18:17
Hi All,
I've a few quick questions, just to confirm what i'm thinking.

some brief background:
I've been suffering with Anxity for about seven years on various levels.
Lump in throat, (camera down throat - nothing there), various meds etc
and eventually it went away.

I still have the odd bad day but recently i had been getting a lot of acid intergestion, burping, etc.

But this week it seems to have got much worse, with problems swallowing. Physically difficult to swallow saliva at times, eating food is ok. But added pains in neck at both sides at the top. It's almost like an ache at times.
I believe i'm bring up some small amounts of food / liquid after eating and last night a small amount of sick (yuk). Also more trips to the loo than normal.

Is this just Acid reflux? and how worse can it get?
I'm taking gaviscon (doesn't seem to do much) and i'm going to stay away from the fizzy drinks, beer and also watch what i eat over next few days and see what happens.

Being a very anxious person, some of these symptoms are creating near
panic attacks (although i can deal with them to a level, beyond that it
gets hard). and i'm trying to avoid using my supply of diazpan tablets.

I'm not suffering from heartburn.
Any thoughts ?


07-03-09, 19:11
Been there myself wiggy! Gaviscon- nah! But what i found helped were superdrugs own version of Zantac. I have one when i feel the lump in my throat when i go to bed, and I am fine normally - every time I go to the loo in the night (sometimes on these nights 4 times) I have a sip of water with avena in it (avena sativa comp) - this I have in a bottle with a top I suck through -to calm me from anxiety and i suppose it is my little reassurance ritual that means i will make it through the night!

08-03-09, 20:05

Sounds like some sort of acid thing going on there. Why not go to your GP and if required you may be prescribed Omeprazole. It works wonders for situations like this.

08-03-09, 20:10
Sounds like globus hystericus. Its common amongst us anxiety peeps. What do you eat on a daily basis? I might be able to give you some nutritional advice to help with the acid reflux. (I study nutrition)

08-03-09, 21:49
hi,hav had similar problem for about 6 months.omeprazole was the answer for me.make a docs appointment,see what they have to say also.save yourself some time from trying the over the counter remedies which usually aren't much help.