View Full Version : blood in 2yo sons urine, major panic

08-03-09, 11:48
hi, not sure why i'm posting but i'm absolutely terrified for my son. Last week i noticed blood in my sons nappy. We took him to the emergency doctors who said it was a urine infection and to get a sample before we start him on anti-biotics. We tried for hours to get a sample with no luck so we started him on the anti-bs. On the Tuesday i noticed a green discharge in his nappy and totally freaked out, i phoned my gp and begged him to send my son for a scan. We were sent up to the childrens ward at our local hospital and saw the paediatrician who examined my son and said that there was no mass on his kidneys although he did say that he could feel my sons bladder, but that could be because he is thin. Anyway we were sent to another hospital 20 miles away as our childrens ward closes at 6pm. We were eventually seen by a doctor who examined my son son and said that everything felt normal, she did'nt seem to think anything about the other doctor mentioning being able to feel my sons bladder. I told her i had looked on the internet and was worried about wilms tumour. She made me feel ridiculous for even suggesting it.

We tried to get a urine sample for about 2 hours with no luck and eventually we went home with a bag on my son, in the morning he still had'nt passed any urine so we went back to the emergency doctors who told us to give it to lunchtime and if he had'nt passed any urine by then to contact our gp. Thankfully he passed urine quite soon after. My HV came round and we managed to get a sample. On Friday i had a call from the scan department to say that they had an apppointment for my son on Monday, now i'm terrified that they think its serious. The sample came back clear. I called the GP who referred my son and he said that they just wanted to cross the t's and dot the i's and to make sure that they have'nt missed anythin, also because i was so nervous, for my reassurance. I'm going out of my mind with worry, i have'nt eaten in six days and have lost 9 pounds.

I suffer from extreme health anxiety for which i'm getting cbt, it seems that i have a cancer phobia, who does'nt?! My son had about 5 abdominal examinations which did'nt cause any problems apart form the doctor who said the thing about feeling his bladder. My son is healthy in himself, playing well, eating as he always does and the sample showed no more blood. Don't know how i'm going to get through the scan tomorrow without freaking out. I'm expecting the worst and have been having terrible thoughts about what will happen next. How do i cope with this? Am i being really over the top with this?

Sorry this is so long but i can't really speak to anyone else about it.

08-03-09, 12:53
if anyone has any positive words i'd be very grateful, i'm an absolute wreck.

08-03-09, 13:09
Hi rainbow :)

I have been there and even though I don't have HA I have 5 kids and know how frightening childhood health problems can be.
Mine are all adults now but a couple of them suffered urine infections when very young, it is very common..honestly. I think that because the symtoms can be so scary, as you mentioned often some blood/discharge, that we assume there must be something more sinister going on.
That's called being a parent hun..it would be unatural if we didn't worry!
Now, positive things..you son is doing all the normal stuff that toddlers do, right? A good sign. :) Results back from his urine tests show no infection present..antibiotics have worked..good sign.:) Especially good as urine infections are often quite difficult to get rid of in littl'uns.
They are giving him the scan to be sure that they haven't missed anything, just as a precaution. If they had any doubt that there was something going on that was sinister, they wouldn't have sent him home from the hospital. He would have been kept in for tests.
Lastly, they know how terrified you are and they are also trying to put your mind at rest. They sound like a decent bunch of people so you do your bit..no freaking out tomorrow in front of your son..you will only get him and yourself in a lather!
I'm sure all will be ok..try and stay calm if you can.

Let us know how it goes. :flowers:

08-03-09, 13:37
hi, not sure why i'm posting but i'm absolutely terrified for my son. Last week i noticed blood in my sons nappy. We took him to the emergency doctors who said it was a urine infection and to get a sample before we start him on anti-biotics. We tried for hours to get a sample with no luck so we started him on the anti-bs. On the Tuesday i noticed a green discharge in his nappy and totally freaked out, i phoned my gp and begged him to send my son for a scan. We were sent up to the childrens ward at our local hospital and saw the paediatrician who examined my son and said that there was no mass on his kidneys although he did say that he could feel my sons bladder, but that could be because he is thin. Anyway we were sent to another hospital 20 miles away as our childrens ward closes at 6pm. We were eventually seen by a doctor who examined my son son and said that everything felt normal, she didn't seem to think anything about the other doctor mentioning being able to feel my sons bladder. I told her i had looked on the internet and was worried about wilms tumour. She made me feel ridiculous for even suggesting it.

We tried to get a urine sample for about 2 hours with no luck and eventually we went home with a bag on my son, in the morning he still had'nt passed any urine so we went back to the emergency doctors who told us to give it to lunchtime and if he hadn't passed any urine by then to contact our gp. Thankfully he passed urine quite soon after. My HV came round and we managed to get a sample. On Friday i had a call from the scan department to say that they had an appointment for my son on Monday, now i'm terrified that they think its serious. The sample came back clear. I called the GP who referred my son and he said that they just wanted to cross the t's and dot the i's and to make sure that they haven't missed anythin, also because i was so nervous, for my reassurance. I'm going out of my mind with worry, i haven't eaten in six days and have lost 9 pounds.

I suffer from extreme health anxiety for which i'm getting cbt, it seems that i have a cancer phobia, who does'nt?! My son had about 5 abdominal examinations which did'nt cause any problems apart form the doctor who said the thing about feeling his bladder. My son is healthy in himself, playing well, eating as he always does and the sample showed no more blood. Don't know how i'm going to get through the scan tomorrow without freaking out. I'm expecting the worst and have been having terrible thoughts about what will happen next. How do i cope with this? Am i being really over the top with this?

Sorry this is so long but i can't really speak to anyone else about it.

You need to calm down for your son's sake as he will pick up on your vibes. If it had been anything serious they would of kept him in. Does your son look as if he is ill?
I am sure they will prescribe the right medication soon.

08-03-09, 14:42
thank you both for your replies, i really am trying to calm down but its impossible. He'd only had 3 doses of his anti-b's before the sample was taken so not sure if that would have cleared the infection. I am so worried about the possibility of wilms because i read a story from a parent who's child was diagnosed with it and the symptoms were the same, blood then green discharge, this is what is staying in my mind and why i'm so scared.

08-03-09, 16:48
thank you both for your replies, i really am trying to calm down but its impossible. He'd only had 3 doses of his anti-b's before the sample was taken so not sure if that would have cleared the infection. I am so worried about the possibility of wilms because i read a story from a parent who's child was diagnosed with it and the symptoms were the same, blood then green discharge, this is what is staying in my mind and why i'm so scared.

I googled green discharge etc from babies/small children and they came up as infections.

I think you need to forget all about about Wilms disease and three doses would not be enough to clear up an infection.

08-03-09, 17:03
Hi Trixie, the fact that there was no infection in the sample is the reason that i'm worrying so much. If it was infection then that would be the answer. I'm trying not to think of wilms but all i've read sounds like too much of a coincidence.

08-03-09, 18:19
Hi Trixie, the fact that there was no infection in the sample is the reason that i'm worrying so much. If it was infection then that would be the answer. I'm trying not to think of wilms but all i've read sounds like too much of a coincidence.

Did they send the sample of for analysis?

Is your little boy his normal self?

08-03-09, 18:26
yes they did send the sample off for analysis and it came back clear, no bacteria or blood. And yes my son seems fine in himself. As i mentioned before he had about 5 abdominal examinations which were fine. He'd had some kind of a viral thing the week before with a hight temperature and a cough and was quite lethargic and sleepy but he started to pick up just before we noticed the blood in his nappy.

08-03-09, 18:55
Hi Rainbow.

I know how you feel as I experienced somthing very similar with my son at about that age. They sent my little boy for a scan very quickly as they want to have a look at the valves in the tubes from the kidney to the bladder as in some boys they do not work properly and let urine flow back to the kidneys this can result in an infection. Even if they do find that yours sons are not working well they will just put him on a regular small dose of anti biotics untill he getts bigger as i understand that the problem goes as they get older. Try not to worry and make sure you ask the sonographer any questions that you have, mine said that they scan a lot of little boys and only a few have any actual problem. They are just making sure.

Hope all goes well.:hugs:

08-03-09, 19:24
hi morchie, you said you've experienced the same with your child, do you mean blood in the urine. The problem is they don't seem to think it is an infection, thats why i'm so worried.

08-03-09, 19:45
anyone else with any words of advice so that i can try to calm down enough to be able to sleep tonight?

08-03-09, 19:58
Hi Rainbow,

You said that he started the anti biotics before the sample was taken, the likely hood it was an infection that has since cleared and you said he is well in himself now, playing and eating.

They are as your doctor said just checking everything probably for your reassurance as much as anything else.


08-03-09, 21:06
yes they did send the sample off for analysis and it came back clear, no bacteria or blood. And yes my son seems fine in himself. As i mentioned before he had about 5 abdominal examinations which were fine. He'd had some kind of a viral thing the week before with a hight temperature and a cough and was quite lethargic and sleepy but he started to pick up just before we noticed the blood in his nappy.
I bet you will find that it is nothing to worry about.

08-03-09, 23:03
hi rainbow,

i am sure your son with be fine ((hugs)). I am actually going through the same with my 4 year old at the moment. He has blood in his urine (and im talking lots). Hes been to the hospital and turns out he has a complication from strep throat. He was off it a few weeks ago and his glands were huge.
I am hoping it will clear with no lasting damage. My ha is through the roof too :hugs:

anx xx

09-03-09, 09:59
hi anxious thanks for your reply, what tests did your son have? i'm such a wreck at the moment that its difficult just to do the everyday things. My mind is being swamped with unwanted thoughts.

Was it an ongoing thing with your son? it was only one day with mine and the sample we gave had no evidence of blood or infection. Not sure if thats a good thing or not.

09-03-09, 10:14
Hi Rainbow.

My Son did not have blood in his urine but was having discomfort on passing water. I think that they run the scan as a precausion on little boys.

Another time we did find green pus in his nappy and he had got a little infection under his foreskin which was cleaned up with some cream. Have they checked you son for that as an infection under the forskin could also cause a little bit of blood from a sore patch.

The tests that the doctors do for blood in urine are very sensitive so they would show up blood that you can not even see, so if they are not finding any I would not worry to much.

Morchie x

09-03-09, 10:36
Hi morchie, i'm just so convinced that its something serious. I know googling is the worst possible thing to do when you have HA but i can't help myself. I'm such an idiot! My son looks a little pale and that makes me worry more.

09-03-09, 11:25
Hi Rainbow

Good luck for the scan today, as everyone else says I am sure everything will be fine chuck.
Positive vibes coming your way

Elaine x

09-03-09, 17:17
Hi Rainbow

Hope all is well after the scan and that you are feeling better.

Elaine x

09-03-09, 20:36

how was the scan? My son still has visable blood 10 days later, hopefully it will clear soon as its worrying me sick.
Hes had blood & urine tests. We go back to the hospital later this week.
He is fine in himself which i know is a good sign.


09-03-09, 20:59
hi, jusst letting you all know that the scan went well, luckily it was a radiologist that did the scan, he said that there was a small spot of immflamation on his right kidney which could have been caused by infection or just could be one of those things and that it was nothing to worry about.

Anxious - hope all goes well when you return to the hospital with your son, please let me know how it goes. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply to my posts, it really does help to know that other people understand. Although i'm feeling a lot calmer now it'll be a few days until i feel properly relaxed. I'm going to speak to my phsycologist about how things have been and hope that she can help me to deal with these things a little better. I thought i was doing better aswell!

09-03-09, 22:35
Hi there - you poor thing - my daughter suffers from UTI's and she's three - she had all the symptoms you have mentioned plus a terrifyingly high temperature. They ALWAYS do scans in kids who get them as they need to check the kidneys to see that the infection hasn't moved there and to see that there are no defects or anything like that that might cause UTI's...

All the things you've done and that have happened are standard, I promise. Also, they UTI's can be tricky to clear up as each antibiotic works differently and children respond to some better than others.... Trust me on this, I'm an expert - my daughter has had 4 UTI's.... and I was so worried the first time and especially when sent for a scan but honestly, they are really careful about this sort of thing and you don't need to worry.

I really feel for you as I know how I felt but honestly, he's fine and all that has happened is totally normal...

11-03-09, 16:42
Hi thanks for your reply, i'm a terrible worrier and this has been an awful time. The problem was that my soms urine sample came back clear and thats why i was so worried. My son had some kind of viral thing a week before he passed blood in his urine. He had a high temp and was very lethargic and generally unwell so not sure if that cold have had something to do with it.

Anxious - how are things going with your son? Has he had any scans? I hope all is well.

11-03-09, 19:57

i hope u r feeling a bit better now, i have a 4 year old son and my anxiety goes through the roof when he is poorly, sounds obvious but its not coming from his willy is it? rather than his bladder, my brother had an infection once and he had blood and disharge coming from it, but it was so sore inside, he had sand up there, ouch!

take care xxx

leanne xx

11-03-09, 19:58
That was a big weight off your shoulders.:flowers: