View Full Version : is it my depressions tablets that have put loads of weight on me?

08-03-09, 12:17
I Have Been On Mirtazapine For About 5 Weeks Now And My Appetite Has Gone Through The Roof And Ive Put A Stone On And Going Up.at The Moment I Don't Eat As Much But My Weight Is Increasing.also My Ankle Is Causing Me Some Jip As I Cant Wal More Than A Few Steps Without It Really Hurting And Making Me Limp. The Good Thing Is My Sleeping Has Improved And So Has My Moods.i Just Cant Afford To Put Any Weight On And Im Going Away In 8 Weeks.iv Stopped Taking Them Last Night And Ill Get Some More Off My Doc.al I Want To Know Is Will The Weight Come Off Automatically Now Iv Stopped Taking Them Or Have I Got To Work To Get It Off?
Any Response Appreciated.

08-03-09, 12:25
Dear Claire I was on mirtazapine last year and eventually I was taking 30mg. Please please please dont stop the tablets without consulting your GP or psychiatrist first. Even with controlled withdrawal you could be storing up problems for yourself. I suffered severe withdrawal syndrone with uncontrolable panic and anxiety attacks low and suicidal mood. I did manage to come off them however. I know how miseravble you must be feeling and yes the weight will just fall off when you stop taking the tablets but so might a return of your original symptoms. Please be patient and at least have word with the doctor. You willl lose the weight again but not at the risk of damaging your mental health.

08-03-09, 12:38
Thankyou Elizabethjane,
Did You Experience Eating Habits Like Mine. If So Did The Weight Come Off Even When Your Appetite Lowered And You Still Took Them? Also Thank You Very Much For The Advice.ill See My Gp On Monday Morning.
Thanks Again.

08-03-09, 12:53
Yes whilst on the mirt I ate like a horse and put on about two stone. It will come off and your eating patterns will go back to normal when you come off the mirt in a controlled way. Even when I tried to diet whilst on the tabs I couldn't lose weight.

08-03-09, 18:21
av been on mine 2 week and put on half a stone and its all on my belly i look pregnant but i like it because i was underwieght to begin with =) u just need to say no to food

08-03-09, 19:30

I hope Smiley comes on because she also put on weight and I think her ankles did swell up.

As Elizabeth said, you really must not stop your meds just like that because you will go into a bad withdrawal. Speak to your gp and get a withdrawal plan in order and tell him you need a med change as you cannot tolerate the weight gain.

It's the one med I have never been put on. The psychiatrist thought it would be far too sedating for me and also I couldn't tolerate the weight gain. Well, he knew me well for sure lol.

Speak to your gp tomorrow. Take care. We do want to get better but we don't want to gain excessive weight, that would not make us happy anyway would it.

08-03-09, 22:21
Hey everyone! It's Smiley!!!!

Yep, as Yvonne said I've put weight on and had swollen ankles on the Mirt. You need to be careful though cos this med can cause joint and muscle pain which may be the problem with ur ankle??!! I'd deffo mention that to the doc.

I'm off the meds now. Been off about 2 weeks now (i think). Appetite has calmed down, really hoping the weight starts to fall off soon but not really putting much effort into it as yet!! Need to join the gym but can't afford it at the mo.

Elizabeth Jane's right, don't just abruptly stop the meds. I was a bit naughty and decided to take myself off them but I did it gradually, over about 3 weeks which was still probably quite quick but I've been ok. I've charted my progress on another thread in this section "Coming off anti depressants...." if ur interested.

Speak to your doc about how u feel, mentally and physically.

09-03-09, 18:30

I think I have been on Mirt 45 for about 2yrs now. I have put about a stone on but was underweight to begin with. I think I am just right now but I still get the munchies and could scoff loads of sweet stuff, you know, all the wrong food. Having said that, recently my mood was very very low and my appetite disappeared again, I didn't notice much weight loss though. I did quit the meds a few months ago, just for about 10days and I did notice I lost weight then but had to restart the meds cos I shouldn't have quit them at all. I would think the weight will come off with quitting the meds. Hope you are OK, you really should get advice re quitting anti-depressants, I feel a hypocrit saying that but I felt really ill after my foolish attempt.

Take care


09-03-09, 18:33

How did it go with the doc?

10-03-09, 00:44
I think Mirtzapine does make a lot of people gain some weight, but then again so do most anti-depressants. When I was on paroxetine, I gained weight on that. I did manage to lose it by exercising though!

Also, I agree with what other people have said, please don't stop cold turkey - the experience is quite unpleasant.