View Full Version : constantly trying to get my 'top breath'

08-03-09, 12:39
Hello everone. I am new to this website!

I have suffered with anxiety/panic attacks for over approx 10 years now. i have good spells, but then every now and again I seem to have a relapse.

At the moment it is my breathing that is the problem.

I find I am always trying to reach my 'top breath'. I very rarely am able to 'reach it'. So I then start trying to yawn to get it. i hope this is making sense!

Now, after struggling with this for the past few weeks, I am getting back pain, chest pain and pain in my ribs. I keep trying to tell myself that this pain is probably caused by over breathing...but I keep worrrying it is something more like cancer somewhere in my chest.

I have had a chest infection lately too, the doctor listened to my chest and said i wasn't wheezing, and he said my heart is fine.

Does anyone else have these symptoms and how do you deal with it?

Thanks in advance!

08-03-09, 13:24
Yes this makes perfect sense to me.

When anxious my breathing is the first thing to go to pot and is exactly as you describe it (the yawning and top breath stuff) and then I get anxious about that too and the whole chicken and egg situation starts.

I found Dinah Bradleys 'Hyperventilation Syndrome' book very helpful indeed and also my yoga practice is beneficial too. I think because I now realise this is what I am doing I can take some of the sting of fear out (ever so slightly).

Try dropping your jaw and shoulders and breathe low and slow - I also try and remember what my CBT lady said "If in doubt - breathe out"!!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-03-09, 14:05
hi i have this at the momemt to i keep trying to take deep breaths

08-03-09, 16:08
thanks for your replys.
Do you get the chest pains too and 'lump in throat' feeling? I have a pain today on left side of my chest. My back is also sore.

Could this be caused by the constant trying to get the top breath?

Thanks again.

08-03-09, 16:14
Have you been coughing with the chest infection?Sometimes you can cough and stress the chest and back muscles.As for the breathing.Take a look at this advice...http://www.ehow.com/how_2241366_breathe-correctly.html

08-03-09, 18:56
I have EXACTLY the same.....i am constantly doing it.....

i find it leads up to my panic and i get maybe too much oxygen in my blood and it leads to sudden squirts of adrenalin in my chest running downmy arms which convinces me im having a heart attack!!!


Have you tried Claire Weeks???

Shes amazing and worth a listen...there are also breathing training things you can get, which im going to look into...

Hope your ok!!


08-03-09, 19:14
Thanks, i have had a look at the link....good advice on there. I did get a cough with my chest infection but I havent been coughing for about 2 wks now.

Tim, sorry but where do I find Clare Weeks?

Hope you are ok too!!!

It drives me MAD!!! :mad:


08-03-09, 19:43
Yes me too i do exactly the same as you mushroom its always been my bug bear the overbreathing and feeling like you cant get enough air in especilly when ive got chest or viral infections which i cant seem to shake off at the moment.
Someone told me and it worked for me.. if you hold your arms over your head when you feel like you cant get enough air in and breathe in you will find you should be able to get a good deep breath in...well it worked for me so hope it helps you hun.
You can download free claire weeks on the 'nmp shop' ...its on main menu at the left of this page, shes wonderful to listen to.
Take care

08-03-09, 20:33
arrr thanks again for all the replies. i will check out Clare Weeks.


09-03-09, 13:08
Hyperventilating andfeeling hot and trapped are my worse anxiety symptoms - I try to relax my shoulders and think to myself that when I sleep I dont think about breathing so I try to stop worrying so much.Wenjoy x

09-03-09, 23:02
Hi Mushroom

I often have this feeling, it feels as though there is a weight on the top part of my chest and I can get breathless. I like you have had anxiety on and off for 10 years and I know that this is one of my major recurring symptoms but it doesn't stop me worrying each I get it!!! Anyone would think I was a nut case lol!. Funnily enough I have had it on and off today. I usually do something strenuous, ie. walk up a hill and if I can do it (I always can) that proves to me that there is nothing wrong with my breathing.

As I am also very aware of it, I tend to overbreathe and swallow air and end up with a lot of wind which makes you feel like you are feeling, so I take a couple of indigestions tablets and that can shift it nicely.

Just try not let it panic you, you can breathe, you know you can because you are doing it now. Try to focus on something else that is bigger than you and takes your full concentration and you will get some respite.

Good luck
Mistral X