View Full Version : smear

08-03-09, 14:06
hi guys i have a smear test tmrw and im so worried i havent had one for 7 years im convinced i must have cancer:weep:

08-03-09, 14:13
Dont fret lass, im currently awaiting the results of my smear test as the last one showed borderline changes. Its just anxiety talking. I really wouldnt worry, and to save yourself worry in the future make sure you attend more regularly. x

i hate panicking
08-03-09, 18:45
Hi smiths,

I was way overdue for mine but came back clear:)

claire m
08-03-09, 20:10
i have mine on tuesday, i am worried too as i have had bleeding in between periods.

08-03-09, 20:29
im sure we will be ok thanks for the replies guys

08-03-09, 20:30
hi guys i have a smear test tmrw and im so worried i havent had one for 7 years im convinced i must have cancer:weep:

I had one last week,not had one in 9yrs !

I to am worried and results don't come back for about 6weeks.

Just remmber its not a test for cancer but a test for any abnormal cells or cell changes

most importantly we had it done !

08-03-09, 21:47
acckckkkkk i have one next week and haven't had one in 2 years. i know it doesn't sound like a long time but im still kinda nervous. in the US it seems way more pushed to have them more regularly than in the UK if im not mistaken? when i lived in london, it seemed the norm to have them every couple of years or so, but here the docs make you do the minimum once a year, for example, they won't perscribe any medication if you've not had one recently. and some people i know go to docs that make them get them even more frequently. i wonder what the differences are between various cities/countries and why.