View Full Version : Pins and needles and feeling weak. Help!

08-03-09, 15:59
This must be about the 5th time in a week I've posted on here and I am getting very fed up mostly with myself! To cut a long story short my doc thinks I have a mixture of IBS and acid reflux and I took Lansoprazole for 5 days but had to come off them because I'm having an endoscopy in a couple of weeks. Ever since I took Lansoprazole I've felt strange, the most annoying problem being pins and needles or a prickly sensation over my body, mostly my back, calves, arms and hands and toes. It comes and goes but has been quite persistent for a couple of days. I phoned NHS direct to ask if this was a common symptom but its quite rare and the nurse reckoned the meds should have been out of my system within a couple of hours even though I stopped taking them 2 days ago. Now I'm thinking there's something wrong with me. To add to all this I started my period yesterday and I feel really weak and spaced out today but normally I just feel tired. Has anyone else felt like this during or after being on Lansoprazole? Do you feel weak during a period? I've read about anxiety and pins and needles but would it really affect me that badly? I'm only getting anxious because I'm getting unusual problems so its a vicious circle! I've been stupidly googling and reading about premenopause, diabetes, etc. I will go to my docs again but I've been so many times its embarrassing. I'm 37, non drinker (due to reflux!) and non smoker. Anyone experience the same with the weakness (during your period) and pins and needles/prickly sensations? Do you think if I stopped worrying the sensations will calm down? Its annoying because a lot of my other IBS/reflux symptoms have calmed down. All advice appreciated thanks. :shrug:

08-03-09, 19:31
Have you tried calling nhs direct 0845 46 47, it maybe a a side affect.

08-03-09, 19:35
I think I may have posted a reply to you before. Please ask your doc to check your iron levels by way of a blood test. Some meds block your absorbption of iron, causing pins and needles in your extremities etc.... the fact that you became quite weak when your period came on is consistent with iron deficiency as the blood loss through your period can make the symptoms worse and cause weakness. take a decent multivitamin in the meantime and eat lots of iron rich food like red meat and green leafy veg x

19-03-09, 14:05

I too have those prickly pins and needles. Mine started I think a few weeks ago, around about the time when I started Diazepam, so im hopeing its just that, But it is a horrible feeling.

Also I had a c section three months ago and was anemic after that and had to take iron tablets, so thinking that maybe theres something inthe iron thing that someone els has posted. Im going to the docs today about it so I will let you know what he says if you havent already found an answer
