View Full Version : loperamide/immodium question

thoughts and actions
08-03-09, 18:49
hi guys

sorry if i am not meant to but i am posting this is 2 places as not really sure where to post it,

I was prescribed loperamide (immodium) from the docs last year for my ibs d- and i have to say that it works really well

however i have some questions-

1. Can you become immune to this and it stops working- or damages you
2. Do you think you could take one everyday (i take about 2/3 a week but worry incase my ibs gets worse)
3 Has anyone had an experience when it has not worked (not counting food poisoning as thats differ)

My ibs is not food related and i only get the runs when i get anxious- unfortunately due to a big knock of my convidence i can get anxious nearly every time i need to leave the house- i just want to know if any1 else takes a loperamide everyday and have success stories

Also - can i pm anyone who has ibs as i really panic about this sometimes and its really effected my standard of living- like i just refuse to use public toilets outside if i am in company or anyone will use the toilet after me that knows me. as i fear what ppl will think of me (but of course theres had the be the odd time ive jsut had 2)

thanks guys from a big worrier!!

09-03-09, 08:01
Crikey, 2-3 a week is good, I will take that in a day if I have to! Both my Mum and myself take Loeparmide for IBS, and have done for years, so far neither of us are immune or have any side effects.

I tend to take more than my Mum, but I believe that is because my anxiety is higher and it just takes more tablets to get through my panic sometimes.

I have often had the same worries about Loperamide, but so far (taken it since my teens), my physical health hasn't suffered. I hope this helps, I really don't think you need to worry.