View Full Version : Smear test worries

08-03-09, 22:10

In september last year I had a smear test that showed i had borderline changes, and because of all the business with Jade in the press, Im totally freaking out again. I have had the follow up smear, a week or so ago and Im now awaiting results.How many of you have had abnormal smears and what happened? Please dont reply if you just have a story about a diagnosis of cervical cancer as that will only trigger a panic attack. Im really frightened. My last smear test was just a couple months after my mum died of breast cancer, so i was quite run down and i know this can sometimes effect the smear tests, also i suffer from iron deficiency which is now being treated, which i am also aware can cause a false positive. Im really worried and just want to know how many people out there have had abnormal ones that either stayed the same or got better... not the horror stories of cancer. I really need reassurance here. Im afraid something could make it get worse just in the five months since my last one even though my doc and people from nhs direct tell me this would be extremely unlikely. Tje press coverage of Jade is making me angry, as they seem so eager to get a story they havent properly researched the facts. There are so many contradictory stories. It angers me no doctors havent spoken out to tell us the actual facts that led to her cancer... from what I gather there was an element of neglect on her part, but their failure to address this issue publicly has left health anxiety sufferes and people who have had an abnormal smear presuming they will end up with cancer.... im going crazy with worry and just want some reassurance im getting everything out of perspective. Normally id turn to my mum, but she's not here anymore x

09-03-09, 13:04
Try not to worry yourself too much, abnormal smears are very common and I have had a few friends with abnormal smear results that turn out to be nothing. My mother siad after she had children she would sometimes have abnormal smears.The stuff with jade is very distressing, mainly because its so in your face. I cant bear to watch. But from what i have read she did ignore her smear results, unfortunaltey in her case it was something serious. The media have really put the fear of life into people thats for sure

11-03-09, 15:30
hi hun,

i had a smear in jan 05 which was borderline changes, i then had another 6 months later which showed borderline changes i then i had 3 more which were completely normal.

i spoke to my gp again last august as i was worried because of all jade stuff, she said borderline changes arent normal but thyey arent abnormal either and borderline changes can be caused by anything inflammation etc etc,

i know its hard but please try not too worry too much

11-03-09, 18:56
thank you. I just desperately want to go back to being able to sleep at night rather than worry :(

11-03-09, 19:54
I am a practised smear person.... I have had several abnormal ones.... and been treated for them (don't worry, no cervical cancer diagnosed so far).

Jade Goody has something called HPV - which is a wart virus that pre-disposes you towards cervical cancer. Contrary to many beliefs, this virus does not mean you are sexually promiscuous - it can be caught after just one sexual experience and is unfortunate - though it is more likely to be caught if you are sexually active with several different partners - that's logical if you think about it... like anything, the more you are exposed to something, the more likely you are to catch it. She did ignore her results, several times, and therefore left it very late - had she taken note of her results, she would have caught it long before it got to the stage it has now. Very sad for her but there is a degree of responsibility on her side sadly.... one lesson learnt for all of us - always have a smear regularly and take note of the results - which you have.

Borderline changes DO NOT MEAN YOU HAVE CERVICAL CANCER - they mean that there are cell changes in your cervix that need to be monitored, which you and your doctors are doing. There are three levels of cell changes, CN1, CNII and CNIII - borderline normally means CNI - which can correct itself on it's own and is not much to worry about but they double check to see if the cells have gone back to normal and if they haven't they will treat you accordingly - but if you had Cervical cancer you would know about it by now.

When I had abnormal test results - they were NEVER borderline - they were worse than that and I had it dealt with ASAP - I had HPV - and have now had it removed - and will get the vaccination that is available (free to anyone aged between 16-25) despite the fact that I have to pay for it - frankly it's worth it. I have now had one and a half years of normal results - and will keep a regular check on things at all times.

Please don't worry about it, borderline changes are very common and it is highly unlikely that you need to be concerned but it is good that your doctors are keeping any eye on things. Most women will have had them at least once in their life. Just make sure you have smears regularly and you will be absolutely fine.

12-03-09, 09:33
I had borderline changes in a smear test I had done in about 1995. I had to go back and have another one 6mths later, which was clear. I then had to go back yearly for 5yrs and every test was clear. I've been back to just the 3yr intervals for a long time now and they are still fine.