View Full Version : Can't sleep!!!

i hate panicking
09-03-09, 00:22
Does anyone have the same problem as me,I just can't seem to get much sleep at night I know I should go to sleep but can't seem to switch off!!!:blink:

09-03-09, 00:28
I do.Although i have an excuse.Years of shift working!

i hate panicking
09-03-09, 00:31
Ah I see...bit of a night owl then:)

09-03-09, 01:14
Lol,just a bit! Hows it going at the gym?

i hate panicking
09-03-09, 01:17
Yeah it's going really well Thanks:)

09-03-09, 02:42
i had the very same problem :) you may remember you helping me!!

I found my answer.. herbel sleeping pills, i drift right off

09-03-09, 04:12
I got Nytol herbal tablets but when I got home I noticed it says not to take this medicine if you are taking antidepressant medicines!

I had my Fluoxetine dose doubled and also starting Tranquilizers so maybe this will knock me out at a sensible hour :closedeyes: zZzZz

i hate panicking
09-03-09, 06:09
Awww..I'm glad tommy and Irishhhhh are getting some sleep now:)

11-03-09, 12:07
Aww couldnt sleep last night, i only got 5 hours the night before last and yesterday I went to bed wrecked, I kept waking up every hour and finally got out of bed way to early.

herbal sleeping pills my ass!

It has to be just anxiety feck feck feck im wrecked now.

Natural Mystic
11-03-09, 12:19
Ah I see...bit of a night owl then:)

I had the same problem for a few months babe, it was horrendous. My sleep is much better now and I hope yours passes too

11-03-09, 13:03
Im either falling asleep on couch or up half the night lol
i tend to try now to declutter mind before bedtime and read a book or watch tv but i dont know the answer apart from i try not to dwell on it now as i say to myself ok last night was crap tonight will be better,and eventually i get a good sleep but maybe only once or twice a week max.
I do like a bath to chill out but if i come to computer to play games or stay on here to late it awakens my mind to much

11-03-09, 19:46
I got stilnoct off the doctor today 5mg! I normally dont takes pills should send me right off to the land of nod.

i hate panicking
11-03-09, 20:16
My sleepings a bit better now but still up late..lol

I would rather avoid meds to get me asleep as I don't want to rely on anything to get me asleep to be honest I think I just have an overactive brain..well what's left of it...lol:)

Hope you all get a good nights sleep soon:winks:

Adam Thompson
12-03-09, 07:30
s**te, s**te, s**te...im starting to fear bedtime

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12-03-09, 09:47
Well I took a pill went to bed at 9 , was still awake a 12 i guess i was tossing and turning, so i took another since i only have 5mg doses, and the standard for an adult is 20mg...

I went asleep till 8 am!

the pills do make you trip but, going to try not to have to take them

12-03-09, 13:40
An update , i seldom ever feel depressed probally once or twice in my whole life, this morning i was depressed, didnt want to do anything, just left the office and went to the beach

f**ken pills, also feel wrecked like im tired but im not.

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12-03-09, 15:14
I'm sick of not sleepin,i fall to sleep o.k but wake up early hours of the mornin.
fed up of my life in the Twilight zone..somebody just knock me out !

14-03-09, 02:40
yeah i have massive issues sleeping. the only thing that i have found that has helped is this deep relaxation sleeping thing. i can send you the audio file if you want?
its really good. if you really focus on what it is saying and the sounds you drift right off. i even made a conscious decision to listen to the whole thing and i think i would have fallen asleep after 5 mins lol!

Anna C
14-03-09, 15:24

I hope you are getting a better nights sleep now.

I haven't slept properly for a few weeks, I had 3 hours sleep one night last week then I had to get up and go to work! I have no trouble getting to sleep, but I wake up and then I can't get back to sleep again. The last few nights have been better, having a milky drink and a bath has helped me. Also if you are worrying a lot about things, writing them down can help. Also if I do start waking up again I'm going to try a relaxation tape to see if that helps me get back to sleep.

I hope you have a good nights sleep tonight.:)

Anna x