View Full Version : I've decided ...

09-03-09, 02:30
After 5 years of anxiety on and off.. im going to try an ssri...

my folks are on holidays next week so will wait for them to come back then go up to the docs.

I cant swallow tablets but I have read you can break prozac and put them into a glass of water.

I have obessesions all the time this time around its worrying about head symptoms, last time around it was my throat so my doc said prozac as it helps with ocd, is he right?

10-03-09, 10:19
Hi Tommy

I think you get to the point and think " oh what the hell, it can't hurt to try it"

I was really anti-meds but when I hit rock bottom big time I had the support of a good GP who never forced the meds onto me but helped me when I decided I had to give them a go.

They didn't cure me but they really helped. They stopped my mind from blurring into madness. They slowed me down and then I could begin to rebuild myself.

I will always be thankful for that. And the side effects for me were as bad a panic attacks and lasted for about 10 days. At the time it seemed horrible but on reflection it was nothing compared to panic attacks. My partner says he began to see an improvement in me after a fortnight - took me longer to see a difference. I also had a wonderful GP who supported me.

Go and chat with your Dr about which meds might be best for you. I think some come in liquid form so ask about that too.

Good luck Tommy and let us know what you do.
