View Full Version : which do you think? pills or natural ways of getting rid of panic attacks

09-03-09, 03:35
from personal exprience i think that pills are the best way to get rid of panic attacks.
what do you think?

09-03-09, 07:04
i chose no meds, its working for me .

09-03-09, 07:07
I think that if I had only just suffered with P Attacks, then the natural way would be best.. hindsight and all that lol.. However, as I also had/have depression then I believe meds have their use. Gee thats a tough one. :shrug:

09-03-09, 09:11
I would rather be able to overcome my anxieties,panic,obsessive thoughts,depression etc by natural methods.Unfortunately i dont seem to be able to find a method that works for me so i feel i have to take meds to help me deal with it all.

09-03-09, 13:53
I refuse to take mediaction as I dont liek the idea of being on them for the rest of my life.

I choose natural ways all the time.

09-03-09, 14:26
How can pills possibly erase the cause of the high anxiety that causes panic attacks? Impossible! They would have to target a group of neural pathways out of hundreds of millions directly and somehow selectively erase them in order to remove the anxiety completely. Any pills taken for panic attacks are either sedatives or beta blockers which sedate or slow the heart... they don't ever cure the disorder. They can't!

09-03-09, 14:30
I took pills after my breakdown to give my brain a break. I do not think pills cure it. They can help but not cure.

It has been other natural therapies that have enabled me to feel that I may be able to deal with my panic. It's been hard work with lots of false starts and going round in circles. But I hope I am getting there.

09-03-09, 14:44
I've found pills very helpful for both my mood and the physical symptons, but I don't think it's realistic to expect them to cure you... unfortunately!


09-03-09, 15:38
I would say pills can be a support but thats all. Pills will never get rid of the panic anxiety agoraphobia. If pills where the answer we would all be cured and living a wonderful life.
My ex clients where medicated up to the eye balls and still suffered and I have had my fair share of wonder drugs. The answer is not in meds but in accepting-retraining the mind-taking small steps-facing the fear.

I am still fighting so I dont have all the answers

Martin Ell
09-03-09, 16:23
For me it's got to be the natural way. I've never taken pills so I don't know how much they help, but as someone else already said, I just don't like the idea of being on them for the rest of my life (assuming that once I start taking them, I won't be able to stop).

If you took/take pills which help your anxiety and panic attacks, wouldn't it be rather hard for you to give them up? Let's say you take these helping pills for 10 years, and you're out-and-about one day and realise you don't have any pills left - would that not give you one BIG panic attack?

At the end of the day, some like to use pills, and fair play to them, where as others like the natural way. I don't believe there's an official "right or wrong" here, whatever works for you is good.:)

09-03-09, 23:56
What doesn,t get much of a mention is the long term effects of medication.These magic potions come at a price!

10-03-09, 15:56
I was once on tranquillisers for panic in the 80s and got addicted so came off them. Now the panic attacks have restarted to a lesser degree so I use Kalms or lavendar oil on a hanky and rescue remedy.wenjoy x

10-03-09, 16:36
:) hi, there isnt a med to get rid of panics like the others have said - they can ease the symptoms of anxiety but they will in time cause thier own problems.

if you are depressed and having panics, meds can be very very uselful - in my case they were both uselful and useless at different times. also they only work whilst you are taking them, once you stop they very shortly stop too - i mean you may have a few months but then you may also relapse becasue yuo have had no help finding any other coping skills - i suffer with low mood and mild but chronic depression and acute anxiety, but i am totally med free and have been for 12 years. i have had 3 long serious bouts of depression and intense high anxiety in that time and i have only taken minimal meds - valium and zoplicone - just to prove to myself that these symptoms can be releived and so to remind myself they cant kill me! but my main natural method if choice is mindfulness:yesyes: i have had cbt for over a year which helped immensely, but not in the way that mindfulness practice has - so this is my choice:D oh yes and also exercise - you cannot underestimate its effectiveness - i dont think we are at our best when leading sedentary lives

11-12-11, 00:23
Pills only made me feel tired. Need be strong and can defeat! If pills help for you though, that would be great. I'm rid of panic attacks 99.9% (it is no longer a problem, if i see them coming i crush them like ants, and that's not a lot of times a year). So it certainly can be done.

If natural means herbs and crap, it don't make a difference to me though. Chemicals are chemicals, whether they come from a plant or from a pill. Theres just as much plants that can kill you as there is pills. They're not better cause they are "natural", some are even less researched, or healthy than their pill equivalent. I do however agree psychiatrists like to get out the heavy artillery, whereas some herbal tea you choose yourself might not be like that.

Actually for a while I used piracetam (OTC supplement in some places) to calm me down. Find it strange there is no threads about it here. It decreases my anxiety, so it "works". But decreasing anxiety won't learn me how to get rid of anxiety. There needs to be anxiety, to learn how to manage anxiety. So i don't believe it would cure me.