View Full Version : donate your HA symptoms here please!!

09-03-09, 05:48
if this is in the wrong place or has already been covered - pls feel free to move me or let me know.

i know a big part of the HA section of the forum is searching other threads for your symptoms and/or repeating things others may have brought up many times before. i thought it would be beneficial for some if we had an organized thread where everyone who's interested can list their symptoms - either past, current, or all.

i know we've done some polls and questionnaires of this nature but i thought it could be good to just have an open ended thread where you can list what ails you, and be somewhat specific in your descriptions and people can scroll through here and find someone to ask questions or bounce ideas off of, etc. and sort of compare and contrast in the interest of seeing the depth and breadth of specifically HA symptoms. this might already be done better elsewhere - but the other threads i saw were more like yes no yes no set up whereas i think lists and then dialogues regarding each others lists might prevent some repeat threads and having to hunt down symptom info. again - if it's already been done, shut me down! :whistles:

09-03-09, 05:57
for example - many of the headaches threads or symptoms page list headaches and causes - but having a symptom list from a headache sufferer with details, ie 'daily one sided headaches with dull shooting pains' - it helps everyone see that these specific issues can be just anxiety and that you don't have some special unique crazy headache. it's good to share wherever possible because it puts things into perspective, in my opinion. i'll post my list in a few minutes. when i pluck up the energy!!

09-03-09, 06:15
always had a bit of HA but 3 or so years ago, during a health scare with my cousin - became convinced that i had a brain tumor. that set off a chain of the following events/symptoms:

-daily one sided dull or sometimes stabbing pains in my temple from december 06 until march 07. pins and needles feeling, once or twice the pain would worsen when blowing nose, coughing, etc. otherwise just these daily headaches.
-march 07 got an awesome job at an awesome magazine, and months went by when i felt GREAT. i was distracted, and therefore my brain tumor clearly did not exist since my symptoms went away completely.
-july 07 - not going into full details but found swollen lymph nodes in neck and doc wanted to do biopsy after performing ultrasound and seeing enlarged nodes. i basically ruined my summer worrying about this. turned out i had a skin infection which caused the nodes to enlarge and i hadn't put two and two together. i did a round of antibiotics and then a CT scan, which came back clear.
-not long after that i had a dizzy spell outside and felt faint and nauseus, prob just anxiety? i also was convinced my coughing was something in my lungs so went in for an xray - normal, no longer really worried about lungs or lymph nodes for the time being. phew.
-i went i guess another OK stretch of time - but then started getting pins and needles and MS fears the past few months. i was getting weird heart palps and i got a huge one in the bath, that felt like it radiated through my whole body. it scared me so much it launched my first massive PA. this was in november and i've not felt well since then. i have on and off dizziness, weird sensory issues, nausea, and lately a bout of seemingly neuro signs. my feet (mostly left foot) are buzzing/vibrating .. my right temple aches again.. now my right eye just started aching also. and i'm going into a downward spiral with this one. my left ear hurts so maybe i have ear issues also .. uggggggg

so those are my current symptoms. oh and of course i keep convincing myself that i can't recall names of movies, characters, etc. but it might just be anxiety not letting me think clearly? like i force myself to do this or something? am also feel various tingles and numbness in the same spots around my body, ie left side of chin, right cheek.. left thigh.. crawly numb sensations. WHAT IS THAT. would love to shake this current round.

09-03-09, 11:57
Okay i'll pen down a few of mine that seem to be less covered/more obscure/specific....

-Depersonalisation/derealisation when in certain light/environmental settings...e.g. busy places, supermarket with dull lighting..leading to pressure feeling in head and inability to focus.
-Sharp pains which last for a couple of seconds in either or both sides of my head.
-Feeling that my left leg is unsteadier or weaker than my other leg.
-Feeling that parts of my face are numb even though they are not actually numb to touch.
-Feeling sick when waking up in morning.
-Sharp pain in left of chest lasting a few seconds which is above the surface of the ribs and not 'deep' within the rib cage.
-Inability to focus vision, or it feels like an effort to...like daydreaming.
-Forgetfullness and inability to spell words which leads to me constantly testing my self for memory recall (in fear of having a neurodegenerative disorder)
-Feeling that i am never getting enough air into my lungs, gulping air and symptoms such as shoulder pain/chest pain/stomach aches resulting from this.
-twitch in neck due to tension when i try nd hold my head still

and probably many many more:D

09-03-09, 16:26
OK -- I will do my best with this one . .. I have a HUGE list. I have suffered anxiety all my life it seems, but back in the day my #1 symptom was always shortness of breath. However, all these things happened in the span of a year after my grandmother died . .. *Please note I am reading down the list of symptoms from anxietycentre.com so I can remember them all:

Back pain, primarily lower.
Body temp. increasing and decreasing
Burning sensations in head, also had it down my back, around my ears, too. -- went to ER with this one, CAT scan normal.
Skin sensitivity and itchy skin
Chest pain and tightness -- been to ER twice for this, all tests normal.
Exhaustion/worn out -- I feel this all the time. I am overwhelmed and burned out physically and emotionally.
Clumsiness -- I drop things more now.
Cold sensations in certain areas of my body.
Craving sweets.
Dizziness -- had this for a whole month before I was diagnosed with complicated grief. MRI of brain - normal.
Minor body zaps here and there.
Excessive energy -- I wish I had this one more, I could actually get something done!
Falling sensations -- I have had these at night right as I am falling asleep. My body doesn't jolt, it is just a sensation either in my chest or my head.
Feeling just strange/odd. Like something wasn't right.
Heart palpitations -- I think I put the "p" in palpitations, I get this often, too. (I have MVP)
Decreased sex drive -- too busy worrying and too exhausted to deal with sex right now.
Lump in throat -- yep, I got this once for about a week when I was afraid I contracted Rabies from a bat that only was flying above me and never bit me.
Muscles issues galore -- tightness, stiffness, pain, soreness, twitching . .
Neck pain, tightness and stiffness.
Night sweats -- shortly after my grandmother died.
Numbness -- had this in my cheek recently and really freaked me out. I also had this in my legs for a couple of months after I was bitten by a Rabid cat several years ago!
Pounding heart -- Lord, yes! It got real bad after my grandmother died. Had to call 911 cause I was having that with palpitations, light headedness . . . vitals/EKG, normal.
Restless legs
Shooting and stabbing pains in head
Sore scalp
Stomach issues -- but they aren't my usual issues.
Tension headaches, eye pressure, pain behind the eyes.
Unsteadiness/sometimes feel off balance. -- mostly on my right side.
Need to pee a lot
Warm spells -- especially in certain areas of my body.
Weak legs and arms
Distorted, foggy, and blurred vision
Burning eyes
Eye tricks -- although I am not quick to say that if I see a shadow out of the corner of my eye that it is my imagination. Sometimes I have wondered if being in an anxious/exhausted state makes us see things that aren't so imaginary. Now, you probably think I am crazy . ..
Sensitivity to light
Seeing spots
Depth perception feels wrong
TMJ -- I have been diagnosed with this. I clench my teeth and grind them all the time and I get sore jaws, headaches, neck pain, and so forth from this.
Pain in ears
Plugged ears/heaviness in ears
Ringing in ears, decreased hearing -- I have been diagnosed with Otosclerosis, so this is more than an anxiety symptom, I am losing my hearing. However, I am sure anxiety and TMJ aren't helping the issue.
Difficulty concentrating -- and my short term memory is worse.
Sometimes have difficulty finding the right words, or I stutter or just can't get a word out.
Obsessions about symptoms
Spaced out feelings
Trapped in my mind feelings
Feelings of anger or impatience -- I get this a lot
Metallic/blood taste in my mouth
Excess saliva
Lack of appetite - lost a lot of weight in the beginning.
Tight throat
Jolting awake
Trouble falling asleep -- sometimes due to thoughts, but also falling sensations, sometimes so strong that I feel I have to hold on to something, and I there have been times I have felt like I have stopped breathing.
Waking up in a panic attack
Fears: heart attack, having a serious undetected illness, something happening to me in public (causing a scene), dying, never amounting to anything -- life is being wasted.

Whew! It is hard to believe going through all this the doc and neuro say it is all anxiety/stress/grief related. I guess all in all, I've been there, done that, and don't want to do it again. :)

09-03-09, 19:20
i also get that falling feeling when going to sleep. it bounces back and forth between a feeling of falling (and not just the typical jolting fall thing that people feel normally) and a sense that not enough oxygen is going to my brain. like a rush from my heart to my head and neither is getting enough oxygen. it sucks. also throughout the day and night i hear clicking in my head, which i'm thinking has to do with my ears.

09-03-09, 20:19
Oh, yes! The clicking! I forgot that one! Awhile back I had a horrible chest cold and I was sitting here at the puter when I suddenly heard this click, click, click sound when I took a deep breath. I thought, "this can't be good!" So, I go to my doctor and he can't hear it in my chest. It lasted about a month and I noticed when I was under high anxiety the clicking would get louder and louder -- it was like going with my pulse, but not always. I went to the doctor again and again he couldn't hear anything and told me some people are more sensitive to the feelings and noises their bodies make. He wasn't concerned about it at all. I believe it has resolved, but I think I have heard it occasionally. I still wonder what it was and where it was coming from. My aunt, who is a nurse, thought it had something to do with phlem in my chest area that when air goes through it it made the click sound. I was worried it was my heart because I have MVP and I had never heard the "click" associated with it. I thought perhaps I had coughed too hard and messed up a valve or something. Really! But, again, doc didn't hear it when he listened to my heart. I guess I'll never know where the mysterious clicking sound came from . .. I would just prefer it not come back. :)

10-03-09, 00:18
my clicking is in my head or ears i think .. it has dulled since i've calmed down a little but when im anxious it's every 20 seconds or so i hear the clicking. i think it's my eustachian tubes or whatever you call them in my ears. needless to say i found a bunch of creepy stuff when i googled so i stopped that and the clicking seems to have died down.

10-03-09, 01:45
Yes, I remember when I went to the ER when I felt a burning sensation on the top of my head. What got me to that point was that I googled "burning sensation in head" and got such frightening results!! I totally freaked! The nurse in the hospital told me to NEVER do that. There is so much misinformation online -- more than we realize. It's better to let the experts handle it. I have not looked up another symptom -- unless it was on here, or under TMJ .. the less frightening things, and my symptoms have always been here.

I still think my clicking was due to my bad chest cold, and it could have affected my ears. I have moved forward, on to the next symptom! :)

10-03-09, 02:14
This is my first post here.....this thread is SO important because we won't feel so alone in all of this....here are my symptoms:

-neck/shoulder pain
-fast heartbeat
-weird "numb feeling" from my spine up to my head
-ringing in one ear and hearing heartbeat in ear
-afraid that I will "lose control" and go insane
-afraid of death
-afraid that I will be anxious about being anxious
-a weird "brain-vision" feeling when I try to sleep...like my brain is moving inside of my skull and I can see it
-afraid there is something wrong with me because I am not as sharp as I used to be
-unable to focus
-heaviness in legs
-spasms in my eyelid or eyebrow or temple
-shortness of breath

Because of these symptoms, I have thought that I have had the following:
-heart attack
-blood clot

10-03-09, 02:41
thanks social tool - great name btw;)

13-03-09, 01:00
I think this is a great post, I have a big list! :blush:

-Fever-like feelings
-Shortness of breath
-Eyes pain
-Gums pain
-Nose pain
-Left arm pain
-Breasts pain
-Pancreas pain
-Stomach pain
-Pelvic pain
-Bum pain
-Back pain
-Dizziness and fainting sensations.

All these for the last 6 month, not all together off course.:noangel:

13-03-09, 12:35
Great idea to do this; so here is my list!

Left shoulder pain - deep internal pain around my shoulder blade
Extreme fatigue - feel exhausted and sleep a lot
Lump in throat - feels like something is stuck
Tight chest - trying to catch my breath
Dizzyness - feel like I'm going to pass out
Depersonalisation - especially in supermarkets
Cry a lot - and I mean A LOT!
Pain in chest with left arm pain - has sent me to A&E
Sharp pain in head that lasts a few seconds
Many stomach issues - dr diagnosed anxiety related IBS
Brain fog - can't concentrate feel like I'm underwater sometimes
Anger bursts - shout at boyfriend for no reason sometimes - poor man!
Need to pee a lot - thought I had diabetes

Am sure there are more that I have suffered over the years, but these are what I have at the moment and because of them I have thought I have had:

Ovarian Cancer
Lung Cancer - my diease of the month!
Pancreatic Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Heart Attack
Brain Tumours
Liver Cancer
Blood Clots

I am so thankful for this website; it helps me so much

17-03-09, 01:16
I like this thread... by donating them here, I hope I am giving them away! lol

Symptoms I've had:

-crying spells
-easily falling asleep
-extreme fatigue
-muscle spasms
-tremors in my hands and feet
-pins & needles in legs/feets/hands/arms
-trouble sleeping
-hypnagogic hallucinations
-ear pain
-heart palps
-shortness of breath
-random pains in my head
-trouble concentrating
-mind drifting
-poor memory
-eye floaters (and them looking funny in fluorescent lighting)
-depersonalization/derealization BIG TIME
-pain in arm/chest
-ears popping
-blood in nose
-digestive problems - gas..
-and the list goes on....

List of Diseases I've thought I've had (the ones with stars mean I was CONVINCED and still am for some of them):

-Brain tumour*
-any other type of brain cancer*
-heart attack*
-sleep apnea
-bipolar disorder*
-multiple personality disorder*
-psychotic depression*
-pinched nerves
-brain aneurysm
-and the list goes on... I can't even remember half of them! lol

Seems a little bit strange once it's down on paper, doesn't it? hahahah

17-03-09, 08:20
Great idea to do this; so here is my list!

Left shoulder pain - deep internal pain around my shoulder blade
Extreme fatigue - feel exhausted and sleep a lot
Lump in throat - feels like something is stuck
Tight chest - trying to catch my breath
Dizzyness - feel like I'm going to pass out
Depersonalisation - especially in supermarkets
Cry a lot - and I mean A LOT!
Pain in chest with left arm pain - has sent me to A&E
Sharp pain in head that lasts a few seconds
Many stomach issues - dr diagnosed anxiety related IBS
Brain fog - can't concentrate feel like I'm underwater sometimes
Anger bursts - shout at boyfriend for no reason sometimes - poor man!
Need to pee a lot - thought I had diabetes

Am sure there are more that I have suffered over the years, but these are what I have at the moment and because of them I have thought I have had:

Ovarian Cancer
Lung Cancer - my diease of the month!
Pancreatic Cancer
Stomach Cancer
Heart Attack
Brain Tumours
Liver Cancer
Blood Clots

I am so thankful for this website; it helps me so much

I get the depersonalisation in supermarkets too! so strange, i dont know what it is about supermarkets that does it!

17-03-09, 16:34
what sort of eye floaters do you guys get? i get like a few dull floaters, which if i pay attention, annoy the crap out of me. my eye exams have been fine.. what causes them!

17-03-09, 17:57
I have several of them that have come and gone over the years, i think i remember being told they are just dead cells in the eye that are naturally shed x

24-03-09, 18:22
Before taking medication:
Panic attacks
Slightly blurred vision
Increased blood pressure
Heart pounding
Loss of appetite leading to loss of weight *
Feelings of depression
Loss of sleep (down to around 6hrs from 8-9hrs per night)
Increased need to go to toilet

Since starting medication:
All of the above, and:
Panic attacks causing feelings of paralysis *
Funny taste or smell
Extra saliva
Vague nausea especially at thought of eating *
Much less sleep (down to 4-6 hours) *
Tightness in chest *
Hyperventilation/feelings of difficulty breathing at night *
Tongue feeling rigid
Teeth grinding
Increased need to urinate

Symptoms that have gone away recently:
Feelings of depression
Increased blood pressure
Over-tiredness (despite loss of sleep)

The ones marked with a star are the ones that really scare me or bother me -- these are the ones that are making things worse. If anyone else has had those, please PM me and let me know how you dealt with it!

24-03-09, 21:43
-Bloated feeling
-Tension headaches
-Bad Neck
-Jolting awake as I'm drifting off.
-When I started Celexa(Sp) I would sing in my head all day for reason, lol. Got off that quick
-Tingling in hands
-Cold hands
-Clammy hands.
-Hot flashes
-Heart Palps
-Chest pains

That's All I can think of right now. These are usually not at the same time, but rather over the years.

24-03-09, 22:29
the nauseau thing i have dealt with by having small meals constantly throughout the day. the thought of a warm or big or substantial meal makes me sick sometimes so i have yogurt a lot - it's easy to eat and also the bacteria in the yogurt settles my stomach. i add chopped almonds and berries to the yogurt. so i'll have that.. then an hour or two later i'll have crackers with cheese. then i'll eat some pepper slices. then i'll have a smoothie i make by blending milk and fruit and protein power. then i'll have peanut butter with an apple. just lots of little bits throughout the day. it also keeps your blood sugar stable so you don't get so much dizziness or nausea. i call it my david bowie on drugs diet. he spent a good chunk of time subsisting on green peppers and milk so.. y can't i.

25-03-09, 11:28
I like that, the "David Bowie on drugs diet" heh heh.

I am finding that the heavier, greasier or very dry stuff is harder to tolerate. For some reason I have been finding bread too rich and sickly but I managed a pork sarnie this morning lol; I'm making myself eat sandwiches to overcome any possible fear of bread (never thought I'd say that!).

I also find hot or warm food harder to stomach.

Fruit and veg isn't so bad. I can always eat cornflakes as well. My appetite returns somewhat in the evenings when I'm more relaxed so I try to take advantage where possible.

25-03-09, 11:58
Feeling hot/cold, like I was going to faint
Fear I will vomit,
Giddiness and spaced shivering,
Aching joints
Pressure in my head
Crawling under skin
Tingling in hands
Fuzzy head
Neck pain,
Many visionary symptoms including floaters, itchy eyes, eye pain, watery eyes
My head hurts / nose / face /jaw / earache / Etc. etc. etc.
Pains in my hands – the bones hurt.
Rash on my back quite severe.
Back of thighs (the bit you sit on) hurt – is this thrombosis?
Back of my head aches – sometimes painful to turn my head
My stomach jumps as if someone is poking it.
Soft part of side back / front – discomfort – feels swollen?
Pain in the back of my calves.
Sometimes - Pain (not indigestion) / ache in my breast bone / under arms and in breasts.
Lots of belching – bubbles breaking in my stomach.
Tickly cough - as if water went down the wrong way.
And much more
This is a good idea - as long as the lists are genuine and not taken from a printed list:blush:


25-03-09, 14:14
I'm new here, and so far I'm impressed! I wanted to post my most likely stress-related symptoms (present and past), as it seems therapeutic, and many of them are echoed by you all. I am bipolar, by the way, which seems to exacerbate my anxieties, which are largely medical in nature.

Heart Palpitations: diagnosed as stress-related Premature Atrial Contractions
Moles: Doctors pointed out moles I should keep an eye on, leading me to the thoughts I have skin cancer and am dying...these aren't caused by the anxiety obviously, but they CAUSE me much anxiety!
Aches & Pains: Every time I am having anxiety I grasp on to these as heart attacks, thrombosis, whatever
Panic Attacks: Sweating, nausea, faintness, etc.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Again, diagnosed as stress related (and diet, too.)
Itchiness/Bumps: I get hives or small bumps on my skin sometimes, often recurring in the same spots, that may be stress related.
Twitching Eye: Maybe from spending so much time on the PC and indoors, but possibly also from anxiety, I have read.
Inability to Concentrate
Nervous Stomach

Researching on the Internet drives my stress levels through the roof, for the reasons posted on this site. I was recently diagnosed with a bad lipid profile (cholesterol, etc) so that's a brand new stress. I am currently in once per week counseling for my mental issues, but waiting for each new appointment seems like eternity. Hopefully there is a medicine to help me even out, as I feel like I am going crazy!

15-07-09, 02:57

Great idea;I think we can't have enough of this type of thread.

Symptoms I have had:

- hot/cold flashes
-random pains in head, sometimes severe
-feeling like I'm going to faint
-fear of death
-bizarre/morbid thoughts
-fear of going insane
-IBS symptoms
-hyperventilation/overawareness of breathing, which leads to PAs
-more anxiety when trying to relax
-fear of side effects to the point that I can't even take vitamins
-intense pressure in head
-jolting when trying to fall asleep
-periods of depression
-racing heart
-trouble falling asleep
-mood swings/irritability
-eye twitch
-facial tension
-tingling on face and extremities
-tense shoulders and neck
-tense leg and arm
-shortness of breath feeling
-random chest pain
-dry mouth
-ringing in ears
-confusion/brain fog feeling
-feeling like my vision is blurry
-"vibrating" vision, like my eyes are rapidly moving from side to side, especially when looking at a computer.
-eye strain

There's probably a lot more, but that's all I can remember for now. Now, here are the diseases/conditions I've thought I had. Starred ones are ones I told the doctor about:

-ovarian cancer*
-colon cancer*
-breast cancer
-heart attack
-brain tumour
-kidney failure
-mouth cancer

15-07-09, 05:38
I'm donating my heart attack phobia, lung disease phobia, death phobia-------basically FEAR.

Also all my debts:D :D :D :D :D :D

Thanks for letting me drop them off here, I WON'T (WON@y) be back for them:winks: :winks: :winks: :winks:


20-07-09, 11:32
Here are my symptoms
panic attacks
eye floaters
metalic taste in mouth
tummy proplems
feeling like i have eaten even when i have
upper back pain
twitches all over body
body shakes
feeling cold
concentration problems
feeling of dread
fear of going mad
excess saliva
dry mouth
jolting awake when falling a sleep
morning anxiety
crawling sensation in calfs
pressure in scalp
startled easy
hot and cold flushes
fear the meds ive tried have mucked up my brain!
loads more list goes on and on
i have every test know to man done except a brain scan! Still i think they have missed something!

20-07-09, 12:03
I have been suffering for a long time before I realised it was anxiety but still find it hard to except. Symptoms are which come and go:

Panic Attacks
Slurred Speach (but no one else notices it!)
Pins & Needles
Eye pain
Hot & Cold
Trouble Sleeping
Ache all Over

Jut to add most of symptoms only happen on the left side of my body.

I worrying about MS, MND & Parkinsons. Have been to see neurolgists and docs, had MRI etc. Altough my MRI was not clear they told me that the two small white spots that I have were not in the right place for any serious desease.

Been on Floraxtine for nearly 4 weeks now and finding it very very hard.

20-07-09, 16:55
Great thread, just reassuring that we are all experiencing the same symptoms and therefore its more likely to be anxiety rather than anything else we all fear!
Here are my symptoms past and present (starred ones are present!)

Shortness of breath
feeling of not getting enought air into lungs
palpitations/ missed heart beats*
feeling of lack of blood flow in feet/cold feet*
Numbness especially in right hand and foot*
aching legs*
muscle twitches all over my body especially my left eye*
strange light headed 'tipsy' feeling especially in the morning*
depersonalization/derealisation especially at work (hospital0 think its the lighting)*
vibrating sensation in legs and arms*
numbness in face
pressure in head
fear of neuro conditions
inability to deal with stress
and probably some ive forgotten!

the physical symptoms for me are the worst and hardest to deal with.

Love this post makes me feel less alone when dealing with my symptoms

Thanks justbananas!! xx

23-12-09, 13:39

great idea, here symptoms I have and they come and go.

Panic attacks,
dropped lip on right side
numb down one side,
slurred speech (no one else notices this)
frighten to go to sleep

I have got the drooped lip and numbness checked out, I had mri scans, back puncture tests, results due to panic attacks and stress.

I thought I was having a stroke.
found out I was not, I know now when I get the symptoms of stroke its the start of some of my panic attacks and stress. not all my panic attacks are the same.

it's good to know that your not the only one going through these symptoms. thanks.

Yvonne xx

28-12-09, 11:24
this is a great idea. I am not alone i now realise!
blurred vision
lack of eye focus
jumpy eyes
agonising shoulder and arm pains
chest pains
acid reflux
morning/noon/night anxiety
constant fearful thoughts
head zaps
stomach pains
no apetite

these are all the ones I can think I have had in the last 48 hrs... i am sure there are more.

These amount to fears of:
heart attack
brain tumour

28-12-09, 11:34
The 6000 ectopic beats a day that's just registered on my 24 hour monitor. They are welcome to a good home, but to be honest, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.
Myra x

31-12-09, 16:26
i have just read through this thread and i thought they were a realy good idear i will right a few my self

chest pains
feel cant breath
raceing heart beats
feel a bit down sometimes

31-12-09, 16:48
IBS Symptoms
Muscle spasms/pulses
Dizzy spells
Racing Heart
Pounding Heart
Chest pains
Chest discomfort
Difficulty Swallowing
Cold Sweats
Night sweats
Obessing over sensations

+ looooooooooadssss more :D

31-12-09, 16:55
Wow excellent topic....here i go....

numbness on face,arms and legs (although currently numbness is located at the edge of my left side of my body from head to toe)
tingling all over body
burning sensation on various parts of body
tight throat
feeling like something is stuck in my chest when i swallow
feeling hot
shaking at times
weird visual problems
feeling unsteady on my feet
feeling like the floor is moving
aches and pains
weird and scary thoughts
feeling useless and like im a bad mum
crying (everyday)
scared of almost everything
constant exhusted feeling
feeling sick
tummy pain
the illnesses that im sure ive had at times are

brain tumour
skin cancer
overion cancer
cervical cancer
lung cancer
bowel cancer
and i currently am petriefied that i have ms :ohmy:

So there we go........as one of my "symptoms" go sure enough a new one comes along!!!! I currently have a tight throat and when i breath in the top of my back hurts all around my lungs :(

31-12-09, 22:55
Ok, here are mine:

fluttering feeling in temples
visual disturbances (floaters, flickering vision..)
ear pain
ringing in ears
muscle twitching
numbness in feet sometimes
heavy head/pressure
constant thoughts of illlness or death
cold sensations in head and body
TMJ problems -clenching/grinding teeth at night
sore muscles/general aches all over body

Hmmm....I know there are more but those are the most recent symptoms I've had!


Cell block H fan
01-01-10, 00:22
Happy new year everyone!!!! :roflmao:
At the moment mine is the sore throat thing. An hour from new yr it really kicked in! Ive been eating sweets today, could it be connected to that? I remember having a day of sore throat a few weeks ago after I had been sucking on sweets whilst at work in the morning. Boiled sweets cant cause a sore throat can they??? Just coincedence? :huh:

01-01-10, 00:46
Mine are:
Heart attack, other other heart related problems
High blood pressure worry
Low pulse worry
DVT worry
Brain tumour
CNS problems

I could go on and on but those are the main worries. The symptoms I have are
major tremors in my hands
brisk reflexes
muscle twitching
short of breath
head rush when standing at times
leg pains
BP rises when anxious

I am sure that I am missing alot. It is so horrible because whenever one thing gets ruled out by tests and a doctor something else pops up. I just want to get better.