View Full Version : Do i need to swap to something else ?

09-03-09, 08:23
HI folks
I started taking citalopram at the beginning of Jan this year 2omg for panic and anxiety. i have had anxiety for 10yrs and have got through it with flouoxetine. It took a few weeks for the CIt to work and take the edge of the symptoms but then after 7wks the anxiety came back so doc put dosage up to 40mg. I have developed health anxiety now and feel rubbish, i am in 3rd week of new dosage but still feel anxious in a morning and have restless sleeps, sweating etc. Is it normal to still be suffering side effects and shouldn't the cit have curbed the anxiety ?. I am not sure whether i should go back to flouoxetine but doc says Cit is better. Any advice please as am sick of feeling like this . Thanks

09-03-09, 12:12
You should consult a doctor for this and rather than taking a decision yourself , an expert advice will be good.

09-03-09, 20:20
Deb, I am in a similar situation too you. I have been on citalopram since the end of December, the last 3 weeks at 30 mgs. The citalopram did work for a bit, but it is very inconsistent. One day I will feel great, the next I will feel terrible. I called my doctor and he said that if I want to switch I should, that 2.5 months is long enough. I asked him about to switching to lexapro and he said that is reasonable. Debating whether to do it or not...

15-03-09, 08:23
Well, i went back to my doctor and had a really good chat. He said that after all this time the anxiety should really be under control and normality would normally have returned in most cases. He agreed that i should something else and prescribed venlefaxine which he said is particularly good for anxiety. I am feeling nervous about going onto new med and maybe starting from scratch, am also worried it won't do anything for me. Its definately a who dares wins moment !. I will start it next week after finishing cit, doc says there are not as many side effects and this new drug is a more effective one. We will see, got nothing to lose.