View Full Version : Hi

09-03-09, 08:30
Hi guys....im new here today. I have been reading the forums on this site for a few weeks now and have finally plucked up the courage to join!:blush: I will post my "problems" on the relevant forums but just wanted to say hi.:flowers:


09-03-09, 08:47
Hello :D

09-03-09, 08:59
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice here that really does help, also a good chatroom as well, take care xx

09-03-09, 23:13
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us, you are certainly not alone. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

Veronica H
10-03-09, 07:48
:welcome: To NMP. this is a friendly and supportive place. glad that you have found us.


10-03-09, 10:52
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

11-03-09, 01:07
Hi Jo, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :flowers:

11-03-09, 08:14
Thanks guys.....you have all made me feel very welcome. I have posted my "issues" on the Fluoxetine Forum but just thought i'd leave a little bit about me!! Thanks again....

I have had about 3 episodes of anxiety related depression in the past 8 years. The most current episode happened just after having my son 2 1/2 years ago for which i took Citalopram for around 7 months which seemed to do wonders and so i was weaned off. However, after another 8 months or so i could feel the old symptoms coming back and so started to have some CBT and was prescribed citalopram again. Unfortunately the medication did not seem to work this time and so after 8 months of "waiting for it to kick in":shrug: my doctor has swapped me over to fluoxetine, which i took for my very first episode of depression approx 8 years ago.

I am on day 12 of taking 20mgs and feel DREADFUL! I do remember feeling quite bad before when i first started taking fluoxetine but i just can't recall how long i felt bad for! For me, it seems like this is taking an eternity to work (if it will work at all of course!) Im not really looking for any answers as i know everyone differs but just wanted to share my experiences with you... it also helps to offload a little bit to other people too!

Thanks for reading :biggrin: