View Full Version : the length of anxiety symptoms

09-03-09, 10:48

I have been a hypochondriac for the past month. I have every right to be though because anxiety has caused me loads of different symptoms for a whole month don't I have a right to be a bit confused and paranoid.

Because these symptoms do happen it makes me a right nervous wreck, they seem so real and mimic every other disease so I have been questioning every symptom and googling up every single thing. I have had every illness possible and it has got to the stage where I haven't been out the house and haven been to college, I am getting very behind and I am getting very frustrated.

I feel for anyone with anxiety symptoms, and has anyone who has been through it can they relate? I just want to know how long it will take to sort out.

One thing I have noticed is when i watch tv, on the laptop for too long it makes me feel horrible problem is I am always looking at a screen every day.

21-06-09, 04:15
I have been suffering from anxiety for over a month now, about 6 to 8 weeks, I feel like a hypochondriac too, same as you because of the symptoms anxiety causes. I cant help but think I have something very serious going on and the Drs arent finding it...I feel like Im slowly, and I mean very slowly feeling better, anxiety isnt AS intense these last 2 weeks, but still having weird physical symptoms...I wonder how long does are bodies feel the impact of the anxiety and stress??

21-06-09, 22:54
Hi guys, I have been going through bad anxiety since about January, but I am better now and do get better every day.....thanks in large part to this website. I read a post when 1st signing onto this website that explained anxiety like this:

Everyone experices stress. Imagine your stress level like a rain barrel. Over time, as it rains, or as you stumble upon stressful situations in life, your barrel fills slowly. SOme people, those lucky enough to never experience anxiety, are very good at keeping their barrel at a healthy level. Then there are those of us who can't because of genetics, lifestyle etc, so over time, our barrels over flow because we have never done anything to mange the water level.
This took time! When this happens, you begin to experience the physical symptoms of anxiety. Well, just as it takes time for an obese person to become over weight and won't lose it all from 1 week of dieting, your barrell will not go below overflow level for a while either because it took you time to get here.....it did not happen over night. Rather it happened after years and years of mishandled stressful situations. So, do not expect all your symoms to go away just because you don't feel stressed at the moment or even because you have had them for a while. Everyone's barrell will take different amounts of time to level off.

I will say that recognizing the symptoms as anxiety and not letting them freak you out is the 1st step in healing, or it was for me. In the beginning, I would google my symptoms and make it all worse. Stay off of google and learn when the symptoms happen that your symptoms are anxiety and really.....we are all "slowly dieing" so live your life for today because tomorrow is not promised to any of us!

Good luck!

agent orange
22-06-09, 17:32
I am sorry to put a dampner on this but, I have been anxious for over 7/8 years and I have some awful symptoms that I hope you don't get. Anxiety can be a very horrible and debilitating problem that does mimic disease and then if like me you are a hypochondriac with undifferentiated Somatoform disorder ( the two co-exist) then you find it difficult to understand what is real and what is not. I have been diagnosed by a mental health professional. I truely hope you sort your life out before it becomes too difficult.

magpie girl
22-06-09, 19:17
i have have had this 3yrs now and i think if i had found this site sooner i would of saved the NHS thousands!!!!!!! ecg,bloods mri,chest x-rays the full works,im now on cipralex after saying i would never take meds!!!!!! dont be afraid to ask for help and advice its the start to healing yourself:)