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View Full Version : Take regular doses of Kalms or RR?

09-03-09, 10:54
I suffer from daily panic attacks and anxiety which are ruling not only my life, but that of my boyfriends too as we don't go out because of my agoraphobia and social phobia.

My Doctor is coming to give me a home visit next week to chat about the best way forward to help me as i've been like this since 2001. I have major panic just thinking about medication and i'm really against going down that route.

My boyfriend, Daniel, has suggested i try taking Rescue Remedy 4 times a day (i don't know if theres a limit to how much you can take, pure just dropped on the tounge). He wants me to take it even when i'm not panicking at regular intervals to see if that has any positive effect.

Another suggestion he had was to take Kalms (i've never had them), every day, even if i know for a fact i'm not doing anything or seeing anyone that day (which is every weekday) and see if by the weekends when i do try and go into town or see my family my panic and anxiety has disappeared or isn't as bad as usual.

I just wanted to ask if anyone else has done this, taken Rescue Remedy or Kalms on a regular daily basis even without panic, or if you think it is a good idea?

Thank you x

09-03-09, 13:51
I have been taking Kalms for around 3 weeks now. Im also like you I REALLY< REALLY am against medicine for this kind of thing and I refuse to be put on anti depressants.

I take the kalms as said on the box, 2 tablets 3 times a day after food and I think they have helped me a bit. Its hard to say with me though as my dad CONSTANTLY stresses me out so I can never see anything working as long as he is in the same house as me.

I have found though, recently I have been able to go to the bank, Stand in queues etc etc without panicking. I dont know if this is the kalms making me more relaxes or what but I think you should give them a try. Be warned though not to get your hopes up though as they dont work for eveyone, same with all medicines.

Hope this helps :)

09-03-09, 16:36
I have been taking Kalms for around 3 weeks now. Im also like you I REALLY< REALLY am against medicine for this kind of thing and I refuse to be put on anti depressants.

I take the kalms as said on the box, 2 tablets 3 times a day after food and I think they have helped me a bit. Its hard to say with me though as my dad CONSTANTLY stresses me out so I can never see anything working as long as he is in the same house as me.

I have found though, recently I have been able to go to the bank, Stand in queues etc etc without panicking. I dont know if this is the kalms making me more relaxes or what but I think you should give them a try. Be warned though not to get your hopes up though as they dont work for eveyone, same with all medicines.

Hope this helps :)

Might be an idea to leave home?

susan c
09-03-09, 18:52

Like sMINT said Kalms don't work for everyone. I tried them and took a bad reaction to them. I was totally wasted. I couldn't string a sentence together and just wanted to sleep. I can look back now and laugh fortunately. I do tend to react quite a lot to things like this eg cant take red bull as I get hyper, Doctor prescribed me a very weak form of iazepam for a trapped nerve in my shoulder and I slept for 2 days. I just find them very strong. I would say give it a go but try to do it when you have no-where to go. Just a little tester first. Please do not be scared off them though. When I say I had a bad reaction I just felt very woozy.

Hope it works for you.