View Full Version : plz just tell me im not going crazy!

09-03-09, 11:27
I think im going crazy, my worst problem at the moment is not being able to read propely i feel like im dyslexic. When i read i add words on or take words off or even spell them entirely wrong and its not like im distracted by anyone.

I also spell wrong as well and i get mind chatter with songs stuck in my head. I feel like i have some kind of brain problem something thats affecting my mind and is gonna make me go crazy or something. Does anyone have this?

Judas Gamez
09-03-09, 11:34
well first of all be sure there is nothing wrong with you by going to the doctor.socond if you have been to the doc and they tell you that it is anxiety well i just got to say oh my oh my oh my here we go again. this is to me the most common and the most terrible stage of anxiety/panic disorder. i think what you should do is relax and tell yourself your not crazy because im pretty sure all of us here have gone through this and can tell you this. also take a hot bath and drink some cammamille tea. you will be fine and remember your are not crazy and let me repeat you are not crazy. take care and i hope you feel better and if you have a song in your head listen to it.

09-03-09, 11:40
thanks for your quick reply, yeah i have been to the doctors and optician to have my eyes tested because i was affraid it was affecting my eyes. But they said it was all clear.

My worst problem is the reading of words sometimes i'll read thing for example "recent change in circumstances" i would add words like "the recent change in circumstances" or miss words like "recent in circumstances" and shortly after correct myself and i havent seen anyone going through this on here yet so it has me worried, u wont believe how long this took me to correct all my spellings lol

09-03-09, 13:42
I think im going crazy, my worst problem at the moment is not being able to read propely i feel like im dyslexic. When i read i add words on or take words off or even spell them entirely wrong and its not like im distracted by anyone.

I also spell wrong as well and i get mind chatter with songs stuck in my head. I feel like i have some kind of brain problem something thats affecting my mind and is gonna make me go crazy or something. Does anyone have this?

I cant even speak properly myself!! The words get all mixed up/come out wrong/or I say something stupid!

I struggle to read and concentrate.. I find Im skimming over stuff so it never sinks in, I read something then wonder what it was all about at the end as I dont take time over it, nor can I understand it when I do take my time!

I wake up with songs in my head.. if I hear something on TV or listen to my music I find Im awake at 3am with the stupid song going round and round in my head.. thats annoying!

..Youre not on your own:)

09-03-09, 14:54
On the bus last week i read an advert " Come and join our Martial arts class"
I read it as join our MARITAL ARTS class - i got some very strange looks because when i realised my mistake i could not stop laughing.:blush:
Don't struggle to read something just read it later when you feel better.
In other words don't put pressure on your self anxiety / panic / fear / worry all take up so much space.
try and have fun your reading will come back and you won't even realise it:yesyes:
Best wishes

15-12-09, 13:27
Oh songs in head is often a big one for me, I was a dj for many years and had to listen to songs most weekends, and in the week to discover new songs. I did this for years. I always had the odd bit of a song in my head. but about 2 years ago it came so bad that I had to give up listening and dj-ing to this certain type of music. as it got out of control and kept me awake until as late as 10am in the morning hiting my head and hot sweats.... So i compleatly stopped hearing music for some time. but it still comes back after it has been away for some time but not as bad as when it started. I do have some bad days still... And I usually try to listen to some calm music often without lyrics on it. I know its not nice to have this problem and its quite tormenting at times...... I hope it will stop soon as our minds and bodies calm down.

15-12-09, 22:13
I cant even speak properly myself!! The words get all mixed up/come out wrong/or I say something stupid!

I struggle to read and concentrate.. I find Im skimming over stuff so it never sinks in, I read something then wonder what it was all about at the end as I dont take time over it, nor can I understand it when I do take my time!

I wake up with songs in my head.. if I hear something on TV or listen to my music I find Im awake at 3am with the stupid song going round and round in my head.. thats annoying!

..Youre not on your own:)

haha - yup i get that too...

both my words and thoughts get muddled and find myself doing strange things.

I told a girl the other day that she had 'red eggs'.....?! earlier tapped my cigarette ash into the cats bowl thinking it was an ashtray...?

I think this stuff happens because as well as being hyper-vigilant we focus so much on our anxiety we almost get tunnel-vision with our thoughts. I worry about it a lot, but you'd b surprised how many people muddle words etc who don't suffer from panic.

Our minds are amazingly powerful things and hold an incredible amount of information...... but they're not perfect!!!!

Hope you feel better soon x

15-12-09, 22:16
Oh songs in head is often a big one for me, I was a dj for many years and had to listen to songs most weekends, and in the week to discover new songs. I did this for years. I always had the odd bit of a song in my head. but about 2 years ago it came so bad that I had to give up listening and dj-ing to this certain type of music. as it got out of control and kept me awake until as late as 10am in the morning hiting my head and hot sweats.... So i compleatly stopped hearing music for some time. but it still comes back after it has been away for some time but not as bad as when it started. I do have some bad days still... And I usually try to listen to some calm music often without lyrics on it. I know its not nice to have this problem and its quite tormenting at times...... I hope it will stop soon as our minds and bodies calm down.

oh man I feel really sorry for you.....

I'm a musician and a sound engineer so my life literally revolves around music.. (probably the main cause of my anxiety)

I really hope that doesn't happen to me.

How about doing chillout stuff? :winks: