View Full Version : How am I supposed to get better when I feel so ill/exhausted?

09-03-09, 12:05

Ive not posted here for a while.. Im not sure why, I guess I went back to burying my head in the sand perhaps!

Ive suffered with anxiety, agoraphobia and panic attacks for over 5 years now.. now Im just anxious all the time pretty much.

Anyway, since my ectopic pregnancy last year (Feb '08) Ive had health anxiety too(!).. and basically my anxiety in general has gone to a higher level.

Whenever I used to have a panic attack it would take the morning or afternoon to recover and Id feel worn out, but now it takes me 2 or 3 days to recover - meaning I hardly go anywhere, which makes the agoraphobia a bit worse if I dont go out, or if I push through it and go out regardless of feeling totally awful, I panic/worry I'll faint/drop down in the street/I get dizzy because I feel so run down etc.. thus making me feel even worse!!:weep: I had 2 small panic attacks this week and spent most of the weekend in bed:weep:

I just feel like cr*p.
Im shattered/exhausted/drained on a daily basis pretty much, and after a panic attack Im draging myself around, litterally.
I feel sick a lot.
Have stomach pains alot.
I now ache alot into the bargain.. my joints now creek and crack when I bend, and somedays Im that stiff I find it hard to just bend down.. and those arent even the half of it.

I just dont know how Im supposed to get better when I feel so awful.. and surely no one else feels as bad as me health wise.

So what are you meant to do, try and rest so your body can recover (thats what it seems to say in most of my books), or just force yourself through it no matter what?:huh:

Im just scared that if I feel this ill now whats next if I do start forcing myself out when Im not well to start with.. will I be bed ridden in 6 months, end up in hospital from exhaustion, it feels like I will as I didnt feel nearly as bad before (say 4 years ago) as I do now,

I just want my life back, a social life, a job.. anything!

09-03-09, 12:22
Hello. Hugs first and lots of them. You really sound to be having a tough time. Currently are you seeing the Dr? Having therapy or meds?

I know it feels like you will be like this forever but you won't. I think it is all just overwhelming and you could do with some help in refocusing. So please see your Dr or therapist and take what you type with you to show them.

I know it feels helpless and desperate (I was very similiar). And there is no quick cure but with little steps you will have a happy life again.

09-03-09, 12:28
Thanks Sam.

My Gp says I shouldnt really bother with anymore anti d's as none have really worked for me, so hes reluctant to prescribe me those.. which is fine by me as I really struggle with meds, it just sends me into panic as soon as I swallow one!

I was having counselling but got signed off when I was accepted for CBT.. Im still waiting for that though, Ive had an initial appointment but nothing else.

..am wondering how I will drag myself the 20miles to do it though!?!:weep:

I should see my GP, I just feel hes starting to get sick of me tbh.. his patience seems to be running out, and when I saw someone else they told me to see my own GP as hes apparently the best in the practise for mental health problems:unsure:

09-03-09, 12:30

This is only my own opinion on exhaustion and other opinions will vary. The exhaustion comes from tension. Constant anxiety breeds constant tension which tires us. Most would suggest rest but in my experience it doesn't matter how much rest you get. I get bouts of exhaustion which last a few days but at the time feel like they are never going to go. Personally I prefer to try to deal with it at source when you are not exhausted by making an effort to remember throughout the day to loosen up. By this I mean take some time to relax and try to relieve the tension. If you look when you are anxious your neck and shoulders will be tense and even just making the effort to make your body go floppy and less rigid can release that tension. The less time you spend tensed up the less frequently you will feel exhausted after.

All the best


09-03-09, 12:43
My exhaustion was caused by my adrenalin would never switch off.

Nosey question but what is your diet like ?
I see an osteopath who gets my adrenal glands in order and it really helps me. She also suggested that for a fortnight I eat a particular diet (nothing complicated - every lunch time to eat brown rice or quinean and a little chicken - I used to make it more exciting marinading it in lemon and honey )and it helped me. It gives you the nutrients you need apparently but not enough to get sugar rushes. I think once you can get the exhaustion under control you can then start tomend the rest of you.

Do you exercise I find pilates helps me lots. I know it is hard to want to do exercise when you are exhausted but it is worth it.

09-03-09, 12:50
I can totally empathise as that is how I feel a lot of the time. I do get days when I feel fairly okay and on those days I try to push myself to go out, but when I have a day when I just feel totally exhausted, get tired doing the slightest thing and have cramping pains in my abdomen which I keep self diagnosing as anything from ovarian to bowel cancer, well it's hard to get my head into gear for my CBT too.

I don't smoke or drink, I eat a pretty balanced diet with lots of berries, seeds, nuts and salads. I do eat some junk food as I believe moderation in all things when it comes to what we eat and I do have a treadmill for exercise. On a good day I can walk a few miles on it, but in general it's quite an effort.

I wish I knew the answer to this as it does seem a lot of us feel constantly drained and tired :ohmy:

09-03-09, 13:39
Hi nik
Sorry to hear of all your problems as i know its hard to see a clear light
at end of tunnel when you feel like this.
Firstly sometimes our mood thinks doctors are fed up of us i felt same
but there not and there there to help, and get us better its there job and
if you lose confidence in one change to another thats what i did.
i was same as sam adrenaline pouring through me all the time and ssri,s
actually made me worse,i ended up on trazadone at night ,it helped me rest at night and calmed down anxiety during day along with a anxiety course at local hospital which really helped me as gave me ideas and practices to put in place when i was really bad.I had never looked at thoughts processes ect
ways to relax ,cds and it was invaluable to me.
Go back to docs and ask for anxiety classes as a interm until you get cbt up and running,when your really down think back to last time you felt ok even if it only lasted a few minutes and focus on that saying well i felt ok 3 days ago i will feel ok again regardless of how long it asks ,take pride in any achievment you have no matter how small and try and focus on something else like a tv progg or some music ect
i know its hard and it seems relentless but one day you will feel a little better and get your life back ,i try and take enjoyment in lifes little things now that i would not have considered before ,take care and keep in touch

10-03-09, 23:44
Thanks for your messages :)

Theres plenty to keep in mind there.

Thanks again :)