View Full Version : Hard to go on

09-03-09, 12:29
does anyone feel like they cant go on sometimes? I want to be here of course but I just dont trust anything and find everyday a struggle. I feel like I cant breah right now, my chest is heavy and I am crying inside, its so hard.i know when this all started but despite what I do, to take my mind off it, my HA anxieties are always there. I feel myself withdrawing from everything

09-03-09, 13:36
I also am anxious about my health alot but really I think it is important to accept that it isn't actually that much of a bad thing.

If your anxious about your health you should actually therefore take preventive measures to ensure that you are always in good health. This is what i do, eat well (five a day and all that stuff) exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day, relax in any way possible and if you are working and find it a struggle don't ever be afraid to talk to your boss about it. Stress and anxiety is just as important as physical illness in terms of work. Your boss (should he be a good boss) will let you have as much time off work as you need. If he doesn't don't be afraid then to see your trade union or whatever.

My psychologist I went and seen explained to me about these preventative measures people take and she explained herself by saying how she is anxious about being involved in an accident while driving. She says that everytime she steps into a car she feels anxious but this anxiety actually helps to make her much more careful about how she drives and therefore she has never and probably never will be involved in an accident. You should try and take this concept into your own life and this means you will feel alot better about your health anxiety because after all you are talking preventive measures.

There will always be help, be it from your family, people on this forum or anyone else who cares. Hope I have helped in a way, it was hard for me to try and explain this and I hope that I have done this.

Take care,

09-03-09, 13:43
Thanks James for your reply.I posted a previous thread of which all my HA seems to have started since losing a family member to cancer. Ever since I have been plagued by distressing thoughts.I have went and head blood test but still cant help the worry.It has made me think more about my mortality and that the least I can do is things to help my physical self, ie eat right and exerciseIts just the worst feeling and such a lonely place at times

09-03-09, 13:48
I had a spell of wondering what was the point, that was last year, Dec time I think.

I felt similar yesterday, and at times feel like the only thing that keeps me here is my son. Im just so sick of feeling sick! Extreme exhaustion, tiredness, dragging myself around, stomach pains, not having the energy to even take a shower most days.. then theres all the symptoms of my general anxiety and the panic attacks.. I just long for the day where I feel well. And now it takes 2 or 3 days to get my body out of sheer exhaustion after a panic attack, I wonder how Im meant to get out and about when everytime I panic - panic making me feel even more ill after.. what a mess!

Its good that you seem to know why youre panicing, thats always a good base to start from :)

Good luck xx.

09-03-09, 14:00
Thanks nikkinik.when this first started I got signed off work for two weeks and my doctor reckoned I was grieving already, eventhough my relative had not died yet but it was looming.I couldnt even move off the sofa, I just curled up and sobbed. I have since developed a definite form of HA. Sometimes I feel I just want to be put out of my misery for my sake and othersBut I really want to to just be here, be happy. I am so in love with my husband and dont want it all to end by something health wise happening.I go to counselling once a week, referred by my doctor, but I dont know if it helps. I think I am my only helper at the end of the day and my worst enemy at timesAll the bestx