View Full Version : Why cant I just be convinced?!

09-03-09, 13:17
I saw an ENT today about all the problems i've been having with my ears. Ive been having tinnitus since I got ear infections, so I had a hearing test, and a fork tuner test and all was fine, no hearing loss or anything :) he said he thought the tinnitus would eventually just settle down in time, because Im young, no hearing loss, cant see any damage to my ear and my ears are still getting back to normal. Its just still niggling in the back of my mind it might be permenant and I cant seem to just stop been so stupid about it!! He didnt really say alot about the tinnitus, just focused mainly on the infections i've been having. Ive been having lots of crackling and popping coming from my ears lately too, and he said theyv started to produce wax again which is a good sign, so maybe thats why :shrug: I completely forgot to ask him!
Do you think it seems like from what he said thats its going to go?!