View Full Version : aches/pains/stiffness.. worse when youre late for/miss a meal!?!??

09-03-09, 13:26
Im sure I'll write this and ppl with think Im nuts!?

..but Ive been getting stiffness and joint pains quite bad in the last 6 months or so, but now I find theyre worse lately.. and more so when Im late for a meal or have missed a meal!?

Anyone else?? :blush:

..please someone say yes so I dont feel totally off my rocker!

09-03-09, 18:30
Hi...these are kinda my most recent new-symptom!! i get these mainly after evening meals (i generally eat late) and had them once or twice during the day recently, mine are kinda almost flu-like and i get them mostly in my hands (but sometimes all over) cant thinkof any rational explaination for them tho, really odd!

09-03-09, 20:46
Im glad its not just me then!

I just find when Im running late and am about an hour or 2 later than Id normally eat, my stomach pains get more severe.. and strangely I find I feel stiffer and my back hurts more.. so the new thing I convince myself with is an ulcer or pancreatitis!?!

.am wondering how long I'll be stuck with these pains, if theyll ever get better.. and am afraid theyll get worse:(

09-03-09, 21:51
Pancreatitis... are you a patient of good ol Dr Google?!, i cant talk i do it all the time:blush:!!! I had a stomach ulcer myself about a year ago....very painful, esp at night or when i woke in the morning and pain worse when i hadnt eaten, also was sick a lot + stomach was very sore to press....the good thing about stomach ulcers is they are really easy to treat nowadays and just require a tablet a day for a few months.

If you are eating later than usual, if you mean during the evening? digestion kinda slows down and is less efficient so you can feel fuller and sluggish, especially if you are eating faster than usual etc....always makes my stomach hurt x