View Full Version : what helps you with your symptoms??

09-03-09, 13:55
I personally would like to know:

what will help with my fatigue - give me more energy (Im currently taking a womens multivit, q10 supplement and find neither seem to make a difference, have only been on them 3 weeks though)
What will help with my joint pains and stiffness
what will help with my stomach pains and nausea (have been prescribed omeprazole but am not sure how much they help)Just curious to know what helps you with your symptoms too??:yesyes:

If you suffer from fatigue do you exercise etc? Im worried more exercise will only serve to exhaust me even further.. my joints ache enough, my legs feel weak enough and I feel tired enough without adding anything else!:huh:

Nikki xx.

09-03-09, 14:39
nikkinik - i had quite severe back ache before Christmas and had to see a physio (refferred to by doctor) he amazed me by saying " you must do some exercises"
They have advised me to take short walks (10 mins there - 10mins back)twice a day and build up from there.
As i am not good at being outside i bought a small walking machine and do just 5-10 mins couple of times a day (if i can) I do try!!!!
In a book by Claire Weeks she will tell you that week legs (through stress) will not let you down - in other words yes do some exercise BUT don't go running a marathon:blush:
Best wishes
ps. in my edition on c weeks - essential help for yr nerves pge 228-229 - there are other pages about "jelly legs" you should find them interesting.

10-03-09, 01:04
honestly - working out like a madwoman is the ONLY thing that has helped me. i too thought, oh i better not push it .. if i work out too much i'll overexert myself. nonsense - it is the only time i feel good, on days i've worked out. i was suffering from lots of HA symptoms (still am) and extreme fatigue. the fatigue has all but let up because of my gym sessions. i don't know what it is (well i do.. endorphins, whatever) but getting on a treadmill and running or even a nice long brisk walk, taking a kickboxing class.. doing a weight lifting class. it's so distracting and makes me focus on my body in a good way. whenever i feel like i'm having a bad day.. like a lay in bed with my laptop day.. i absolutely force myself to pull on my jogging bra and get going. i hate it for the first 10 minutes but as soon as i start to sweat those nasty feelings let up and i feel so much better. even if i can't get to the gym and i have to run up and down my stairs with my ipod or run around the block. doing it sporadically (at least for me) did nothing. it was regularly and fairly good exercise that has worked wonders. feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions or need suggestions.

10-03-09, 01:06
also regarding the muscles - mine ached from the fatigue and felt horrible, but lifting weights and kickboxing helped so much. it hurt a bit at first but it makes your body so much stronger and within weeks all of my anxiety related muscle pain let up. i will continue to suffer from anxiety but when i make my body physically strong, my mind has less control over making me feel like poop. i love it.

10-03-09, 10:58
also regarding the muscles - mine ached from the fatigue and felt horrible, but lifting weights and kickboxing helped so much. it hurt a bit at first but it makes your body so much stronger and within weeks all of my anxiety related muscle pain let up. i will continue to suffer from anxiety but when i make my body physically strong, my mind has less control over making me feel like poop. i love it.

Thanks for your reply, and June:)

Can I ask how bad you felt before your started working out?
Im just afraid that because I already am in some pain (varies from just an ache to pains where I just cant get comfortable at all and it also wakes me) I may make it all worse by doing exercise and 'feeling the burn' if you know what I mean.. and those awful day after muscle aches, I dont know if I could cope with those on top of this!
I wonder if your aches and fatigue was just mild in comparison perhaps, and maybe thats why it was beneficial to you?? I know its really difficult to say/judge. How long did it take before you felt better? Did you feel worse before you felt better? Sorry for all the questions!
I just seem to feel better when I do absolutely nothing (which I pretty much did yday, and today I feel ok).. even housework tires me out.. but then if I stuck with doing nothing (which isnt possible really is it!) I'll end up getting tired out at the smallest of things!?

Oh I dunno, its so confusing:shrug:

10-03-09, 15:18
honestly a lot of it is related to anxiety - unless you have been diagnosed with some sort of condition that makes you have completely unusable muscles (and you haven't, and you won't) - anxiety related fatigue and muscle pain can only get better with workouts. if you're worried about pushing it, see someone at the gym who can guide you through if possible. i had pretty bad fatigue and weird sensory symptoms, aches and pains all over, constant headaches. i dunno, it's hard to say but can it hurt to try? my parents are in their late 50s and i got them to start a gym regimen - my dad is a cancer survivor and my mom has actual physical joint probems and arthritis. they have to tailor their movements to fit with their bodies, but once they figured out what worked - it ended up helping both of them.

yes the first few weeks will be tough - but you take nurofen or whatever and drink loads of water, eat a balance of carb and protein a few times a day - and muscle soreness from working out will never be extreme, as long as you're doing it correctly. aim to do cardio at least 4 times per week and strength training 2-3 times per week. after one month, if you are consistent, your body will feel much better. do something you enjoy, or do a class. do you have gym access?

i have issues with my knees so i dont just walk in and do 50 lunges (which some trainers for example would recommend) - i know my body has limitations so i do the exercise that works with me. if something hurts a lot, i won't do it. you need to have someone you can describe your pains to, and let them help you create a regimen that works for you.