View Full Version : chest pain and accepting it

09-03-09, 14:09
has anyone had chest pain for a long time and learned to accept it is not serious

just wondered if anyone is not as afraid as they used to be as no matter how many times my left pains flare up i feel as afraid



09-03-09, 14:18
Hi jackie yes a get sharp chest pain regularly and it really freaks me out. If i have a drink its usually particuarly bad. I have had a angiogram 2 echograms and 48 hr holter tapes which come back saying nothing serious, it still troubles me though.
Have you saw ur gp about it !

09-03-09, 14:18
I was having pains and really scared it was my heart. I had blood tests which are fine and doc even listened to my heart after I had a panic attack and said all sounded normal.She told me that if you suffer anxiety, chest pains are definitely a physical symptom of it. I get a sharp pain in my left hand side under my breast sometimes and can take my breath away. But I dont worry about that now. I also suffered high blood pressure only when I went to to doctor and really stressed something was wrong with my heart. Seems now my anxitey of going to the doctors raises my blood pressure and can cause funny feelings in my chestTry not to worry. Its more common than you think and most of the time not related to your heart. But if worried ask your doc to check it outgood luck

09-03-09, 17:25
have had this pain on and off for years and been to many many hospitals with various tests all came back normal but each time it returns for whateer reason it lasts for months and i am as afraid as ever

cant seem to reason with myself that all tests possible have been done
even had an ecg and stress last week, all normal but still pain never leaves my body and mind

thanks for replying am in a bit of a state again about it


09-03-09, 17:57
heya jakie

aye i use to get them ALL THE TIME and i always thought it was my heart. i had all the test and i still was satisfied! but now ive learned to cope and not think about it. and its gone! you can do it just tell it to F**K OFF! i did lol
good luck
jo xxx

10-03-09, 12:57
i am trying to do that today but feeling very agitated so worrying that the agitation is causing it and im about to drop

thanks for the advice though will really try

10-03-09, 13:11

I have woke up with it today, like you it has got my mind working overtime.


10-03-09, 15:32
i have had it for so many days and weeks now that i cant be rational, usually afgter a few weeks i calm down and tell myself it could not be my heart after so long, but no reassurance this time, just in a state of panic for months now reddevil



11-03-09, 01:58
ive been having the chest pains for over 10 years now amongst other symptons that can be associated with the heart (I,m 38M), for years i ultimatly thought it was heart trouble, i,ve had more tests than i care to remember, tons of ecg's, 2 treadmills, 24hr heart monitor, camera down the throat, xrays, scans, ct scan, blood tests, bp tests, u name it i think i,ve had it lol.. and everytime my results came back all normal..after 5 years i started to realise it could just be anxiety & my mind making these symtons even though they did seem and feel really real and still do. Even though i,ve come to terms with my anxiety even now when i get a attack of the pains & symptons i still think something serious is happening & all sensibilty (if thats a word) goes out of the window..
Its only after the pain & attacks i think about the pain and think to myself , its just anxiety & feel stupid for panicing, tilll next time when it all starts again..
Sometimes i think its not the tests you need to put your mind at ease, its talking to someone about them, maybe see your doctor about seeing someone for anxiety & panic..

11-03-09, 03:29
Hi Jackie,

I had left chest discomfort and pressure feeling for awhile and even though I'd had tests I was still continuously worried about it. It is very difficult to accept that something like that is not doing you harm. In my experience though we have to move on through the pains and discomforts (after having them checked out by the docs) with this disorder or they literally do become all debilitating and all consuming. I don't know how I did it but I did stop checking myself constantly for the pain and stopped thinking about it and it did go away. When I was going through it I was sure there was something wrong and that the feeling wouldn't go (I had mine quite continuously) but I am here to tell you that it does if you don't give it the attention that it wants. I know that is SO hard to do though. LOL I then had heart palpitations which I didn't feel with the chest pain at all...that went on for weeks and when I'd had those checked out and been throughly reassured by the doc they miraculously disappeared! It is uncanny! but I do believe that anxiety can cause the most remarkable and amazing things to happen to our bodies that we wouldn't think it could do.

My thoughts and hugs go out to you becauase I know how hard it is to deal with as do many here I am sure. :hugs: :bighug1: :hugs:

11-03-09, 10:45
If i go to the doctor whith a pain of any sort - I want them to say -
"this is what caused this pain and it is nothing to worry about"
"It is just your stress causing the pains just calm down......"

I had not thought I was stressed till I had the pain and started to freak out over it because it terrified me......

11-03-09, 16:38
I have had chest pain for over 20 years...have had all the ECG's treadmill tests, kept in overnight twice and have great trouble believing it is not my heart!! Maybe someday it will be and that is scary too! My Dr now thinks that all these years it has been costcondritis...sort of imflammation of the nerves and tissue around the sternum (I think) I have fibromyalgia so I suppose it is possible. I live alone and I don't think I will ever be able just to dismiss it when it comes along.. I try hard to keep calm, take rescue remedy and pain killers to cover both bases!! Those of you who suffer with this have my thoughts and hugs for it is definately NOT NICE !! lol