View Full Version : What is your self checking process?

09-03-09, 15:08
I'm sure Im not alone on this one... in fact I know Im not. Suffering from Health Anxiety is VERY time consuming. I was wondering if anyone else wanted to share their checking process and current paranoia's. Here's mine:

Checking process:
Throughout the day and night I check my eyes to make sure they are not turning yellow, my tongue to make sure it is not turning white, my lips to make sure they are not swelling, my legs and abdomen for signs of a rash, my hair to see if it is falling out, my feet to see if they are losing circulation, my hands to make sure they are not turning blue or yellow, under my arms for lumps.... my urine for blood and my eyes for sores..... when I am at my worst and feeling on the verge of a panic attack, I can repeat this routinely every 30 minutes by setting my alarm throughout the night to make sure there are no signs of deterioration.

Current paranoia's:
Oral cancer, imminent blindness, liver failure, cervical/genital cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, iron deficiency (which I have), vitamin A deficiency, fear of anaphylactic shock, fear of brain short circuiting, fear of becoming deaf, high cholesterol and pernicious anaemia.

Actual symptoms:
Iron deficiency, causing pins and needles, cold hands and feet, pale tongue, whites of eyes have blue tinge. Other symptoms: Borderline changes to cells in cervix on my smear test, intermittent dry throat, bloodshot eyes (3 months), sore patch in eye, pressure feeling on top of head, continual fear of dying/disease, poor sleep, lack of motivation, tinnitus (ringing & pulsing in ears), sinus trouble, eye strain and lack of interest in food.

Care to compare notes?

09-03-09, 15:26
Are you doing anything or getting any help to overcome HA at all?

09-03-09, 15:32
Ask yourself, is it good to do constant checking? I know its hard but allow yourself a break. Sounds like it has turned into OCD now.I admit I do have this obsession lately with poking and prodding my breasts an awful lot, it makes me even more panicky.Health anxiety is terrible I know, I remember a time when I didnt think twice, trying to dig myself out of this hole now.

09-03-09, 15:47
I was quite relieved to read your post because although I do not self check so regularly I go through phases of it. My main thing is bowel movements and vaginal discharges but I also check clothing and bedding for blood stains. I have nasty days when I think I am losing weight and must be dying when I constantly pull at my clothes to see if they are getting looser. However, the thought of weighing myself is too frightening which must sound mad.

09-03-09, 15:52
Yes, I am having counselling. Please bear in mind, my health anxiety was triggered by bereavement, plus the day i scattered my mums ashes i got my smear test results saying they were abnormal. I was feeling vulnerable and I thought I was next in line to die. I am not asking for guidance or advice, I am merely showing what is going through my head in order to help others understand that they are not alone. Hence me asking for comparisons. Sometimes listing your problems can help you see how irrational you are being, which is why I am asking for a response from those in the SAME situation with their anxiety. I am more than aware it is an unnecesary procedure having to check yourself and I am making every effort to rectify it, but for the time being, I am looking to share experience with people like worriedgrace to mutually ease each others discomfort knowing we are not alone in our anxieties.

09-03-09, 15:57
xfilme I know how you feel. I recently suffered a loss, due to cancer. never affected my family directly before, cancer that is. And now its all I can think about. I to have counselling.Its good to point out what the anxiety is making you do as can help others realise they are not alone.I would still say set yourself a goal and go one day without checking and see how you feel. mentally give yourself a breaksometimes I have a nice bath with candles and just let my head empty if even for twenty minutes

09-03-09, 19:15
I do, sometimes I go days without these processes. I do also set myself goals. I attend counselling. I look after my health. I read self help books... My intention as I said before was to outline me at my worst to comfort others in the same situation. As I also said before, I am not asking for advice on how to overcome it as I am already overcoming it. It is more a matter of reassurance to others who have not yet started to overcome it so they dont feel more alone.

09-03-09, 19:28
my checks are less physical, more mental. i check my body when i wake up every morning to make sure nothing's numb, tingling or vibrating. sure enough right about then, my face goes numb, my arms tingle, and my feet start vibrating. i need something to distract me first thing in the AM from doing this. it's my peak anxiety time. that and bedtime. i am trying meditation but it's requiring force. also i'm pretty sure the reason my right eye hurts so much right now is because a few days ago i was 'checking' it by poking and prodding it - which is clearly NOT recommended.