View Full Version : Do you ever hear a song so loud & clear in your head you almost panic!?

09-03-09, 19:32
I swear it feels like im going nuts lol its like i can hear a song so loud and clear in my head, is this to do with anxiety? but i know its in my head not outside lol its just freaking me out that i have a mind disease and losing it

19-03-09, 17:45
Maybe I don't get exactly what's happening to you, but sometimes, when I have a song STUCK in my head, it replays over and over so loud and clear it makes me panic. It's all I can focus on, and it normally happens at horribly inconvenient times like when I'm taking a test.

19-03-09, 19:07
Hi there,

This is a common anxiety symptom. Its typical of a lot of anxiety problems in that the more you think about it the worse it seems to get !

It is one of the symptoms I get when I am in the middle of a bad anxiety period but I always take comfort from the fact that it will pass and this helps alleviate my worries.

Try and take it in your stride ! Whistle along to it ! Or just distract yourself by doing something else that demands your attention...............like posting on these forums :D


07-10-11, 20:01
I have had this for years, and its still very tormenting it used to keep me awake all night lay on the bed horrible wanted to smack my head open, well freaked me out It goes away in the heavy mode, but for a long time I could not listen to music if I knew the songs, and still avoid at times, even had to give being a dj. For some time it almost went away, then i went to a Musical and all this week has slowly tormented me again I wake with it, and in the past had to avoid TV adds with music or gingles Its often hard to live with it some days. I thought it was over but that night out trigger it again.... I have also Google it and its also called earworms not a real worm ha ha.... So often I have to just one type of music with a radio station and it helps take it away other times it don't do a good job.... I try ignore it and it can go down a bit but other time it despairs me to much. That's how it can and has been for me.

07-10-11, 21:53
Have you seen the film touching the void? When the main guy is lying on the sid of the mountain feeling hopeless and starved, all he can here booming in his head is Boney M (cheesy 70's group), Brown Girl. That haunted me forever because overly happy songs in my head when I feel worst seem to tease me. Like they are laughing at me. And upsetting songs make you feel sure your world is ending...the best thing to do is talk to someone. That makes it go for a bit.