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View Full Version : Can anyone offer any advice? :-(

09-03-09, 20:56

09-03-09, 21:01
Try not to worry it sounds fine, try kalms or try your local holand and barett.

09-03-09, 21:46
Your Dr sounds spot on in saying its ectopic heartbeats - I have suffered from them for over 20 years and they are truly awful. I was about your age when i first got them. When mine are at their worst I get them every 3rd beat and this can go on for weeks on end:weep: I have had a 24 ecg every 3-4 yrs for past 15 yrs just because after about 3 yrs my nerve breaks and I ask for another one to reassure myself that nothing has changed. I even spent 4 days in hospital having them observed and an echocardiogram 7 yrs ago and am always always told same thing. premature ventricular contractions otherwise known as ectopics - totally harmless but extremely unpleasant.

When I get them I also get a head rush and feel peculiar for a few seconds whisch is an adrenalin rush becasue they frighten me.

Try eating potasssium rich foods like bananas as low potassium causes them and is a factor in my case and keep off anything with caffeine and chocolate:unsure: not fun.

09-03-09, 21:53

What you are describing are the classic feelings of anxiety and the main thing is that you have been checked out by your doctor. You will be over sensitive to your feelings and as a result they will seem worse than they really are, but you are in no way in any danger.

Try your best not to focus on the feelings that you are experiencing and with a bit of luck they should go away.

Don't shy away from the exercise, although I know it can be scary at the time, you are not going to do any harm. I get pains and twinges at times during exercise and used to think I was going to drop down dead, but I was wrong. Instead, I just carry on with the exercise and it goes away, and the reason it does, is because it is a form of anxiety and nothing more sinister.

Don't worry

09-03-09, 22:07