View Full Version : Gallstones

09-03-09, 21:58
Does anyone suffer with gallstones and what do you do to ease the pain.

09-03-09, 22:08
Hi Loiusa, I had gallstones for a few years and the pain was unbearable, nothing would ease the pain. I suffered for a few years before I decided to get them removed. I should have had the surgery sooner, it would have spared me a lot of pain.

Hope you feel better soon.


09-03-09, 22:23
I am having sporadic severe gallbladder pain at the moment.

I had it last Friday night and i couldn't do anything. I couldn't move, stand, sit, talk and breathing was painful. I would have rather have given birth than dealt with that - at least i was getting something out of it at the end!!!!!!!

I'm waiting for a CT scan now!
Nothing eased it...
In fact..it still felt tender 5 days after my attack.

09-03-09, 22:28
I don't think there is much you can do really - the pain is supposed to be so terrible, poor you.... have you been to the doctor to see if you can have them removed?

My father-in-law had them and he was in such pain.... I really feel for you as it's supposed to be as bad as having a baby... Have you got any strong Ibuprofen as it might ease it slightly?

09-03-09, 23:30
Hi Guys,

Thanks for responses.

I don't know if I have them haven't been to gp yet, but everyone I have spoken to about my symptoms who have gallstones say it sounds like I have them.

I have taken some tylex and got a hot water bottle on my back and stomach the pain is starting to ease off a bit thank god.. Hope your pain eases off soon Belle.xx

10-03-09, 00:21
I am sure you are aware that gallstones are caused by high cholesterol. A low cholesterol diet will help you.

10-03-09, 21:38

I had a scan last year which showed I had gallstones.
On Sunday night I had a bout of horrendous pain after eating a meal. I went to my docs tonight and he thinks it was probably my gallstones acting up.
The pain it very severe and in the upper abdomen, usually more on the right hand side. It can also radiate up to the right should and upper back - not nice!!

10-03-09, 22:22
I went through an awful lot of pain when I had gallstones and found that there was little I could do to ease the pain when an attack started.
A low cholesterol diet is certainly helpful in preventing gallstones occuring in the first place but I would not agree that this diet is helpful in alleviating pain once a diagnosis has been made.
A simple scan showed that I had many stones, I had my gall bladder removed in Feb of last year and I haven't regretted it.
To be free of the pain is wonderful.

10-03-09, 22:27
Ihave had many small gallstones for at least 15 yrs but I know what I can't eat and as long as I behave they don't bother me. I have a ultrasound scan every 2 yrs and a liver function test every year to make sure no compliations.

If you stick to a very low fat diet and still get gallbladder pain then you need to have it out - if low fat diet controls it then you can keep it if you wish. This is what I was told. Huge amount of people who have never had an abdonimal ultrasound have gallstones and they never know and only become evident at post mortem so they don't always have to be a problem.

usually the big ones are the troublemakers as they block the duct easier.