View Full Version : Back again, I wonder why!

28-07-05, 01:54
I havnt been on in months now,
I was doing so well with my PAs, and now there gradually coming back,
I thought i got over them, I've almost completely got over thinking Im gonna faint, I can stand up normally and dance, and stuff, and yeah, i do get the dizziness and stars, but so what, it normal now, i know what you meant about getting used to it, trusting your-self, know the worst that can happen is what's happening now.
I'm really proud of my-self for getting over the thinking of fainting all the time, and knowing that a panic attack, is just a panic attack.
I thought they would have just about gone for good now,
anyone know any strategies for helping PAs??

Chaz 14 xXx

"Don't let the little thing get you down, make the most of life"

28-07-05, 09:30
Hi Chaz

Welcome back, has anything you can think of triggered these.?
If not , keep positive , this is just a blip and they will go away.

Take care

Elaine x

28-07-05, 10:12
hi Chaz,

It's normal for everyone to have little blips which is probably what you are going through so don't worry too much. I'm sure you aren't slipping back into your 'old' ways..Hang in there

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

29-07-05, 00:16
HIya Chaz

You where doing so well babes, just think of it as a blip, you'll be cured soon :D

x X xJade Loves Mike 4Eva x X x

29-07-05, 13:47
that happens i am over my pas but i still sometimes i feel like im going to slip back but after afew days im fine.

29-07-05, 15:57
Hi Chaz

I have just got your pm. You have being doing really well, so dont be disheartened by this blip, it will pass and you know you can get back to where you were. It will take time but we are all here to help you.

Take care and i will be in touch soon.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".