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09-03-09, 22:47

I have been suffering from anxiety symptons from the age of 15 (I'm 24).

I did have a 3 year break from panic attacks, but a year ago I was under a lot of stress at work and started to really hate my Job. Due to how well my job pays I could not justify quitting and finding another job, so I just dragged myself there each day.

I then started to get panic attacks at work almost every day and generally just felt really ill all the time.

The attacks only really happened at work until recently. I'm now really anxious and panicky wherever I go and a few weeks back I had a very bad panic attack whilst driving down a dual carriageway! I had just gone past the slip road when the attack kicked in. I couldnt focus on driving and desperately wanted to stop the car, but I knew I couldnt. I managed to pull off on the next slip road and park up. The attack soon stopped.

Well I managed to continue driving, although I found an alternative route that avoided going onto the dual carriageway again incase I had the same feelings.

Well ive not been back onto any dual carriage or motorway since, just the thought of it brings back the anxiety symptons.

I am beginning to feel that this is taking over my life and I now cannot be in any situation where I feel trapped.

Does anybody suffer the same anxieties with being trapped or not being in control?

09-03-09, 23:08
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us, you are certainly not alone. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

10-03-09, 08:52
Hi there and :welcome: to the site , a lot of good advice on here that really helps, take care xx

10-03-09, 10:50
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

11-03-09, 00:59
Hi Sazz, :hugs:

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

I can totally relate to the feelings that you describe. I also started taking panic attacks & anxiety at work. I also had the same feelings as you describe on the motorway. It can be so frightening. I have found it such a relief to read of other people's experiences on here and know that all these scary feelings are down to anxiety.

I hope it helps to know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

Best wishes xx :bighug1: