View Full Version : actually cant take this worry anylonger

10-03-09, 09:40

Me again with this whole anal fissure issue but now something else to worry about :weep:

Anyway if some of you saw my previous posts you will know I have had an anal fissure since november with my main symtom being blood on tissue after bm accompanied by a sharp/tearing/burning/itch can vary from day to day, four docs have said fissure and finally referred me to make sure but god knows ow long ill have to wait for an appoitment.

Anyway I am so scared at the moment as for the fourth time in four months yesterday I had an episode of bad stomach cramps, the ones that come on and then disappear only to come on again a few minutes later a bit worse. In the end i tried to have a bm and managed a v small one and cramps went.

This is the fourth time this has happened I have previously never suffered from cramps and do not aware of having ibs or anything.
The first time I had them was in november ended in really bad watery diarreah and was fine after then twice more about a month apart both times I had just eaten a heavy dinner so went to ed and they were gone by morning. Yesterday tho all id had was a couple of cups of tea and some choc biscuits.

Am more worried than ever before and just feel like its the real thing this time, as basically have two symtoms of bowel cancer now :weep: :weep: just dont know what to do feel helpless...anyone please any advice on stomach cramps or experience ....

10-03-09, 09:59
How old are you worriedem? If you are under 50 then your chances of having bowel cancer are almost nil - very very unlikely. It sounds like it could be IBS, colitis or crohns - all manageable and treatable. Or it could be, as your doc stated, just fissures. However, try and get the tests done asap so you can get on top of it. Try not to worry about cancer as it is very very unlikely that this is what it is.

10-03-09, 10:05
The Doctor has referred you and now you just a have to wait for an appointment, when that comes, right a list of all your symptoms and worries to tell them about and I'm sure they will test you throughly and hopefully put your mind at rest.

However, these are my thoughts.

Anxiety in itself can cause tummy troubles, you are really worried and thus on extra alert and high sensitivity. Also, being female, hormones and pms can also play a part in lower ab pains and cramps. What I'm trying to say is, is that there are other more plausable reasons why you are having these cramps and urges to go..

Also, when you have a fissure/piles, you can empty your bowls but still feel full..your anal canal is clear but especially if you have strained too much can still feel like 'theres something there'.. I call them phantom poos !. If you are constipated, that too can cause all these other affects.

I know its easier said than done, but please try not to worry yourself sick over it, keep a note of all your symptoms as I've said so you can pass this on during your app.

Oooodles of Huggles for you honey :hugs:

10-03-09, 10:07
thanks, i am 28. just cant get the thought out of my head, Had some bowel trouble about 8/9 years ago now just used to get this burning painful deep ache in the bottom of my back like something was pulling down on my insides, anyway went to doc and he just passed it as nothing as i was so young, eventually got really bad and had a short period of constant diarreah and blood puring out of me, once this stopped the pains became much less regular altho i still had them until recent years where i dont ever really get the ache but convinced I had something left that may have turned into cancer :weep:

10-03-09, 10:14
At 28 - I very much doubt it is cancer. Try taking some omega 3 capsules (fish oil) 2, twice a day. They are a natural anti-inflammatory and can help with bowel problems. Need to also try and relax (easier said than done I know) because stress\anxiety is the underlying root cause of this.:hugs:

10-03-09, 11:21
thanks, I forgot to mention the third doctor i saw sent me for some blood tests to try and put my mind at ease, one she said was a strong indicator of bowel cancer, she actually rang with the results and said they were as low as possible so shouldnt worry, are bloods reliable with things like bowel cancer or can it still be missed??

10-03-09, 14:35

I suffered with cramps and diarrhea and blood in my stool a few years back. At that time I was 23. The symptoms would come and go. Went to the doctor they did a colonoscopy and told me that I had ulcerative colitis. Basically its an inflamation of the colon. Could it be that you have ulcerative colitis?


10-03-09, 19:44
thanks, the blood is v bright red sometimes just faint pink and just on tissue, when i had the probs years back it was red and in toilet water as far as i can remember not in stool xx

12-03-09, 05:57
me again with another symtom god i feel like im going to pieces :(((( went to the loo yesterday as normal no blood which was good but as i stood up to clean myself had the most awful cramps in my bum/buttocks/groin even the top of my legs :(( i have never experienced this it only lasted a minutr and went,please has anyone ever had this?? with the blood and ab cramps there is no way this is all down to a fissure help x

12-03-09, 06:17
If it doesn't cause you too much anguish there is an article about them on Wiki (no pictures) which might give you some info.

12-03-09, 06:42
how do i find this? god am panicking stupidly googled found that rectal cancers can cause pain :(

12-03-09, 06:59
the fact that your blood is bright red means its fresh blood which means when you go to the loo the fissure opens and lets out more blood just like reopening a cut i have had the same problem for years its NOT cancer.try using baby wipes when you have a poo they are not as abrasive as loo paper.my fissures come and go depending on how stressed i am right now they are in full flow the more anxious you are the worse they seem.i dont think you have cancer you have to trust your doctor.good luck choliver XX

12-03-09, 07:22
thanku for yout words,i have been using nitrate stuff for a couple of days and had little pain and just a spot of blood so am praying its improving xx

12-03-09, 07:54
dont google you can give yourself any illness by doing this and we always look at the worst case scenario when we do this.trust me your problems are magnified by your anxiety.choliver XX