View Full Version : Not feeling myself, skin symptom and dizziness anybody?

10-03-09, 10:35
I have been stressing for several weeks that I have the dreaded “C” in my blood (lost a fried months back to it) and I’m sure that the celebrity of Jade has not helped me much (I know it is a different kind of "C"), with people around the office constantly talking about the “C” word.

I have been worrying of late over symptoms, which I’m new too.

My skin at times will hurt, then after a few days it will disappear and then re-appear somewhere else on the body. Today it is my chest (around the heart area) and my back , where as earlier last week it was in my arm.

I’m worrying more than usual today and I have just had this horrid dizziness spell, which stopped me in my tracks and if I’m being honest has scared me and I’m worried of having another one and it has made me feel nausea.

I have been keeping an eye on my weight, for the last week and it appears to be staying the same (not gone down etc).

I have used the search facility on this website but it is hard to search for something, which I’m not sure how to describe it and I was wondering if anybody with anxiety has suffered these symptoms with their skin, which I’m guessing could be something to do with my nerves and dizzy spells, where it has stopped you in your tracks?


10-03-09, 16:10
Hi Red :D:hugs:

It, IS all over the news at the mo about the "C", so if you suffer from health anxiety it must be soooo hard :hugs:

Hunny, I have had this symptom regarding my skin, I would explain mine like a minor burn, the skin is sore to the touch, if I ran my fingers over the place it would hurt, feel very tender. I have had it appear on different parts of my body, its been on the side of my face, the top of one of my legs the side of one hand and on one of my arms and also on my back, it IS a very strange symptom, I did find something which explanied it for me, which was this...

The nervous system is a very large complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

I am panic, high anxiety free because of this great site, but for the last 6 monthes I have been dealing with an Mmm, an issue, NOT A problem, but feeling under stress and THIS symptom came on the side of my hand, I new what it was, I eccepted it being there and gave it good reason for it being there, then ignored it and it went.

If you look thourgh the fourms other people have had this symptom, YOU ARE NOT ALONE :hugs:

Hope this has helped a little, even if its just knowing your not alone, my heart goes out to you hun :hugs: its NOT easy dealing with anxiety, when it thows new symptoms at you, :hugs:



10-03-09, 16:23
I have had exactly the same as Jill explains it. It feels as though my skin has been sandpapered!! I have had it on my face a few times and my legs.Hope this helps.

10-03-09, 19:59
Im having a similar thing at the moment actually. It sort of feels like surface skin pain (almost like chafing/sunburn) but I'm certain the pain is from inside as the skin doesn't hurt to the touch or look any different/
Its in my groin at the moment but I had the same thing a couple of months ago in my back. I know I've been worrying about my groin recently with weird bubbling sensation I've been having so it could be that Im tensing it up.

It is a weird one though, it doesn't feel right.

10-03-09, 20:05
Wow thanks for highlighting this skin problem as I have had this for past 25 yrs:huh: and never knew what it was - had many an ms scare with it. I can get it anywhere on my body - even my eyelids and it is agony to touch like a burn but looks normal and if you press the area it doesn't hurt but light touch is awful. I also occasionally get intensily sharp shooting nerve type pains in the area as well. They never last longer than 48 hrs and I get them in attacks lasting a few weeks then nothing for months. I don't think there is anywhere on my body that I haven't had a patch.

11-03-09, 08:31
Thank you to who replied, appreciated.

I will hold back going the doctors as the chest pain around the heart is around 1 / 10, which I guess if it was serious, the pain would be towards 6/10, and if it was "C" of the blood then I'm sure I would be poorly?

I'm hoping my positive thinking is correct?


11-03-09, 09:17
I am sorry that you cannot bring yourself to say the word cancer. I do feel extremely sorry for Jade but there are hundreds of people (if not more) in this country who have had cancer in one form or another had treatment and then gone on to live a normal life.

What was a killer many many years ago now can be treated and every day they are finding new things. Only this week did the papers report that the enzyme which causes cancer to spread around the body had been found and of course now they are trying to find a drug to block this enzyme.

Don't let this fear ruin your life.:flowers: