View Full Version : mercury amalgam poisoning

angel 2
10-03-09, 11:31
hi everyone
Well i've been looking up on this and the symptoms are so like mine.
Nervousness, anxiety,insomnia, depression,drowsiness,shakes,headaches,dizziness,r inging in the ears,sinusitis,allergies,and lots more that 'fit the bill' white patches on the tongue which I have.Where do I go to get tested.GP's think you're daft and it costs money .The Problem is MY COUSIN actually had this years ago and had to have all his fillings replaced.It's frightening !Why won't people listen? It's Oh no no no it's not that goodbye...............

10-03-09, 11:50
There was a programme on TV about it a few weeks ago that I watched.

You can get your dentist to replace the fillings but it will cost you a lot I guess - depending on how many you have.

10-03-09, 12:38
hi everyone
Well i've been looking up on this and the symptoms are so like mine.
Nervousness, anxiety,insomnia, depression,drowsiness,shakes,headaches,dizziness,r inging in the ears,sinusitis,allergies,and lots more that 'fit the bill' white patches on the tongue which I have.Where do I go to get tested.GP's think you're daft and it costs money .The Problem is MY COUSIN actually had this years ago and had to have all his fillings replaced.It's frightening !Why won't people listen? It's Oh no no no it's not that goodbye...............

They are also the same symptoms of anaemia. Get a blood test done... It may just be your iron levels. I have all of the symptoms you have described, and mine is due to iron deficiency. x

10-03-09, 14:49
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I can only go off myself and my past, when I was acute, I felt the same as you do, very, very scared regarding my fillings :scared15::lac:

I had a hell of alot of symptoms, all the same as you and more, the only one I did not have on your list was allergies. I was sooo close to getting all my filling changed and paying out lots of money, never new you could get tested for it, mind you at the time my mind was all over the place regarding panic and high levels of anx I was not thinking straight at the time.

NOW, when I think back, ohhh where did this thought come from, well, for me, it came from the dentist herself, she asked a question a few years before my panic, anxiety, "are you having any problems with your fillings? eg, and rolled off a few symptoms, at the time, I said "NO" because, I WAS NOT, but when acute with panic anxiety, I went for a check up and low and behold a few days later, this thought about the filling popped into my head and OHHHH BOY, did it play with me. Good job I had read things on these fourms NOT to google.

FOR ME, it was all anxiety related.

Hunny, can you talk to your cousin and ask how they went about getting tested and diognosed?

If you feel that this is the only way that will put your mind at rest, ask at the dentist, they might know more about this.

I know its dame hard for you right now and my heart goes out to you, :hugs:but you WILL get to the bottom of this, you will sort things, but its going to take time.



26-03-09, 21:13
ive got this as well!! God im so scared! But apparently its not too serious as it can be treated quite easily i believe. It wouldnt bother me if i had to have all my fillings replaced to be honest!