View Full Version : Ladies Only Question

10-03-09, 11:55
Hi Ladies,

I have a problem with my lower abdomen at the moment, but I don’t think it’s connected to my anxiety, but of course with my HA being what it is my mind is trying to make it worse than it is. I think I may be getting cystitis or have a urine infection as the bottom of my stomach is feeling sore and it feels like I need a wee all the time and also feeling a bit tender down there. I had my smear test on Friday, does anyone know if having a smear can bring on a urine infection, and are these symptoms of a urine infection. Of course my mind is trying to turn it into ‘OMG it’s stomach cancer, cervical cancer etc’. I hate this HA, a year ago these kind of symptoms would not have worried me for a second. Any answers would be greatly appreciated.

10-03-09, 12:38
Hi there,from what you describe it does sound like cystitus.I used to get it quite frequently & your symptoms sound identical.
If you can,speak to your local pharmacist about it,they tend to be a lot better than some doctors and perhaps they can recommend an over the counter medication for you.
I do understand your anxiety but i really dont think you have anything to be worried about.
Hope this helps in some small way,all the best :)

10-03-09, 13:27

I don't think you have anything to worry about either, it could be just a mild infection or it could have been where you had that smear, i have been left with a feeling like that after i've had one.

I'd pop along to the doc get a water test done to see if you do have an infection just to get the meds to clear it up, or like alisia says get some over the counter remedy, which may be even cheaper than a script.
Good Luck:)

10-03-09, 15:17
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I am no doctor, but have had over the years a good few problems regarding this area, eg, cystitus, thrush, infections all are treated by different meds and ALL are HARMLESS and go with the right meds.

I have also, like nanny, had symptoms like this just after a smear test. I myself did not go to the gp, but kept on drinking lots of water, this helped sooo much and these feeling went on there own. I have also had these symptoms just happen and I drink lots of water and it goes on its own. NOT alot, but its happend.

Now, for myself, I do a waiting game, IF, it happens, drink plenty, if it does not go, THEN, I go to my gp.

Hunny, I can understand your concerns, BUT, please try and NOT let Mrs anxiety play with you on this one, if your symptoms persist, please pop along to your gp, for 2 resons...

1 the right meds
2 peace of mind, after all hun, peace of mind goes along way.

I know you don't feel it right now,:hugs: BUT, your going to be just fine hunny, us women have to put up with alot of things and this is just one of them. Most women can relate to where you are coming from on this hun, its NOT nice and it feels unconfortable, but because of you HA, its scary for you :hugs: but this can be fixed hun, please try and see this, take the steps that are needed, drink plenty of fuids and pop along to your gp