View Full Version : Health Anxiety Please help

10-03-09, 12:56

Im Anthony, I started having health anxiety November last year when I found a lump in my mouth. Automatically i thought it was cancer and it turned out to be just a mucus cyst which is benign.
But ever since I have become paranoid that I have cancer and spend hours looking and inspecting my mouth been to the dentists 3 times in the last 2months (He must think that i am crazy). As everytime it turns out to be nothing to worry about.
I have been currently getting a tingling sensation in my ear which started a month ago which has started to get better over the last week. I have now found a lump at thr back of my mouth near my tnsil which I have a doctor appointment to checj out on Thursday. I am driving my wife crazy as every week I have a different worry or problem with my health.
I never used to worry about my health and have not been too a doctor in ten years but since I found this lump I have become paranoid that I have some terminal illness. Am I going mad?? I just want to stop worry about my health especially as my wife is preganant and she needs my support at the moment as last year she had a miscarriage. I just feel that everything is starting to fall apart.


10-03-09, 13:59
Hi Anthony

Welcome along to NMP.

Health anxiety is very common indeed.
I'm really glad you are going to see your GP. Tell him/her of your worries and i am quite sure they can put your mid at ease reagrding your health issues.

You will get lots of support and advice here.

Very best of luck

10-03-09, 14:53
Hi Anthony, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

10-03-09, 17:00
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, a lot of good advice on here, i can relate to what you are saying as i also suffer from health anxiety and drive my poor hubby mad most days, but this site really does help and there is also a good chatroom if you need it, take care xx

10-03-09, 17:37

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here. Health anxiety is my biggest downfall but I am trying hard to overcome it and hope you can to.

Take care


10-03-09, 20:28
Hi there,

Your certainly not alone here! I suffer from health anxiety too everyday, It drives me crazy! My biggest concerns are my heart palps, my swollan throat, my bones, I worry about food poisoning, cancer everything really! I worry myself sick most days & nights and the worst thing (apart from all of it!) is how selfish it makes you feel right? Like i'm so worried about myself constantly it feels so selfish...truth be told I worry fairly consitiantly about all my love ones too.

I just want to get on with life while I am well because one day I might actually really get one of these things I stress over!

I have a good doctor who lets me talk my fears through and does'nt judge me, she lets me say my fear and then explains to me why I don't have the problem in question. My advice to you is don't just stick with a doctor because you feel you have too, seek out a good one at your surgery and you will find it very reasuring.

Caroline x

11-03-09, 08:16
Thanks for all your replys its nice to know that I am not alone and other people have the same worries and concerns. I find it hard as I never used to worry about my health and have some many other issues going on in my live at the moment to contend with. My wife is pregenent and early this year she had a miscarriage. My wife is very worried about it all happening again and i feel like i am not giving her enough support because all I do is worry about my mouth.

11-03-09, 22:30
Hi and welcome to NMP

So pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is so much help, information and support. There is a chat room which is a great place to make new friends

Take care xxx

12-03-09, 11:23
I went to te edoctors last night he had a look and said that the lump is just left over from what was my tonsil. I am now concerned that he has not seen the lump as it is oval in shap and below my tonsil. I asked him 3 times to check that he was looking at the lump. Am i just being paranoid or did he not see the lump. I have a dentist appointment today for a second apoinion. Im sure the doctors and dentist think I am going mad. I just am fed up off ths feeling and Im stressing my wife and family out.

I need some advise reassurance.

14-03-09, 15:22
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx