View Full Version : Worrying again! Liver failure or thyroid issues??? Advice please x

Laura xx
10-03-09, 15:15
I was recently diagnosed with a midly enlarged and fatty liver and because I was generally feeling unwell with a right sided pain my Dr sent me to a gastriologist.

The Gastriologist is concerned because I have lost 2st in weight in the last 4 weeks, despite only a slight decrease in appetite and I have developed a tremor. She has ordered numerous blood tests ie full thyroid function, liver function, diabetes, full blood count etc.... and endoscopy and a ct scan of abdomen.

I am still awaiting blood test results as it was only a week ago and I am scheduled for the endoscopy and ct scan later in the month.

Now I know that I shouldn't, but I googled and put in "weight loss and tremor" and guess what it came up with (amongst other things) "LIVER FAILURE"!!!!!!!!!! and as if that wasn't enough - upon reading I have ALL the symptoms :-(

Now I am really worried!!!

I do have Graves disease in my family - my mum had it and my brother has it also - so could it just be this????

I get hot flushes, need a poo as soon as i open my eyes :blush: , tremor really bad, weight loss, tiredness, gas, weakness really bad, right sided pain round to my back and just a general feeling of unwell.

My pulse if fine which is making me rule out thyroid issues and my thyroid was also checked six months ago and was fine.

I hate worrying that I am going to die, but I know that something is not right :weep: and I don't go back to see the Gastriologist until mid-april for any of my results - I will worry myself sick until then x

Sorry it's long

10-03-09, 16:04
A small positive note: you do NOT have all of the symptoms of liver failure :) in fact you don't have the worst, most dangerous typical symptoms at all. I know because sadly my Dad had liver failure before he died - he did not have your symptoms but had different ones. I'm not telling you what the classic symptoms are, because I don't want your body to present them accordingly :flowers:
Hopefully you won't have anything serious, keep us posted'

10-03-09, 18:50
A small positive note: you do NOT have all of the symptoms of liver failure :) in fact you don't have the worst, most dangerous typical symptoms at all. I know because sadly my Dad had liver failure before he died - he did not have your symptoms but had different ones. I'm not telling you what the classic symptoms are, because I don't want your body to present them accordingly :flowers:
Hopefully you won't have anything serious, keep us posted'

my mum also had liver failure before she died and i agree, you are not speaking of any of the most prominent signs of liver failure. i really wouldnt worry. if you are still concerned, ask your doc to check your liver and thyroid in a blood test. i had mine done recently as part of routine blood tests and i dont think you have reason to be concerned. the results only take about 5 days and it will put your mind at rest you do not have a problem with this x

10-03-09, 19:59
You sound just like my aunty and she had an overactive thyroid. She lots huge amounts of weight very quickly - she had such a bad tremor that her writing was unrecognisable and she got out of breath walking across a room also she had swollen ankles. Would you believe it but her stupid Dr tested her for lots but never did a thryoid test and it was the one time my health anxiety has been useful:) as after 3 months of this and no diagnosis I asked her if her Dr had done a thryoid test as every female in my family inc me has thryoid trouble mostly underactive and she didn't know so she booked another appt and asked and he said " Oh no I haven't done that one do you want me to do it" grrrr and lo and behold she was very very overactive.

Course of tablets cured her and she had been fine for past 10 yrs and is now 80 yrs old.

10-03-09, 21:32
just dont jump to conclusions hun x

Laura xx
10-03-09, 23:11
Thank you everyone,

I don't mean to worry soooo much but I am having quite a lot of pain under my ribs, round the side and under my right shoulder blade and with the general feeling of unwellness - so I may be jumping to conclusions.

I also lost my Dad to liver cancer last year and from what I can remember he mainly had a similar sort of pain - mind you he was a funny colour.

But I suppose that does not explain the weight loss, hot flushes and tremor so I will have to await my blood test results (which I don't get until I go back to the Consultant in April)


11-03-09, 19:27
Hi Laura,

First of all huge hugs to you. I have hypothyroidism but at times it has gone hyper. I have had the symptoms you describe and I would think if you were in liver failure your color would be odd. I also think if the doctors thought you were indeed in liver failure the results would come back sooner than in
April. Good luck and let us know how it goes. I do know that it is awful having thyroid issues when it is out of whack.

Take care,


Laura xx
11-03-09, 20:43
Hi Southern Belle

Thank you for that. Thyroid issues do run in my family - my brother is having his whole thyroid taken out in the next week or so because he has Graves and they are having trouble controlling his levels.

And as a child I watched my mum suffer UNDIAGNOSED for years till in the end she weighed 6 stone, couldn't get out of bed and was so ill. Yet apparently they had checked her thyroid! She ended up with a huge goiter too!

I had an uptake scan last year which was apparently showing slightly overactive, and I have a goiter, but my bloods were ok so they couldn't treat me with anything.

I just feel so crap and it's far worse just before I get my monthly cycle - like now :weep:

I could probably phone for my blood results - but am too scared to because I don't know what will be on them - silly I know.