View Full Version : Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!

10-03-09, 15:47
Is anybody else like me and constantly holding their head in their hands because of all the weird physical feelings going through it, and do you ever wanna go aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

10-03-09, 15:52
All the time ... I will sometimes get a pillow and go aaaaaaaaarghhhh into it

frustrating ennit ! .:curse:.

:hugs: <------- hope ya feel better soon

10-03-09, 16:06
yep have had that plenty of times!
used to have it constantly but I overcame it, it's recently come back a bit with a new set of sensations but with reading all these threads i'm starting to accept it again. Chin up sweet our bodies are amazing things just wish they would not be so bl**dy random sometimes!!


10-03-09, 20:28
Yes, happens most days, and just when you think there can't possibly be any new symptoms that you havn't already experienced.....there they are!!!:scared15: