View Full Version : quick question regarding benfits?

10-03-09, 16:22
ive been a member of nomorepanic for quite some time but havent posted anything in ages, i wasnt sure where to put this question sohave put it in general anxiety.
my problem is i have agoraphobia, and up until recently i have been able to work full time as my boss gave me lifts to and from work or taxi fares if i needed them, and if i was in a panic i was able to go home if need be. Last week i got made redundant and now im not sure what i should do and no one seems to be able to give me any advice, ive tried my local citizens advice bureau, but they werent very much help + didnt seem to know a lot about it, i asked my psychologist who just told me to ask the disability adviser at the jocentre, she told me i couldnt go on sickness benefit cos i was able to work even though ive got problems with travelling to places by myself, one of the other staff at the jobcentre said i couldnt claim jobseekers allowance because if i cant travel it means im not able to get to a workplace and therefore am not able to work.
Im getting rather confused with it all and no one seems to know what to do with me. I'm wondering if anyone knows where exactly i fit in and where i stand? this is something i really need to get sorted out quick as i live on my own and need to be able to pay my rent and bills etc and at themoment i have no source of money other than my severance pay :weep:
i would be grateful for any advice.

10-03-09, 16:57
Firstly I am really sorry for the loss of your job. I am also sorry that Citizens Advice were not able to help you much as usually they are very good I have found.
You need to contact your local DHSS office - you can do this by phone (ask for the Incapacity Benefit section - new claims) and explain to them your situation. Tell them you are agoraphobic and that this will prevent you from working. Explain you only managed to work in your previous job due to you being taken there and brought home again. If you are not happy with what someone tells you at the Jobcentre/DHSS offices then dont be fobbed off and ask to speak to the manager there. If you find you are restricted by your agoraphobia with working, or getting to work then Yes you can claim Incapacity Benefit provided you have paid previous National Insurance Contributions. The benefits agency will contact your gp to confirm that you do suffer with agoraphobia.
I would make an appt to see your gp and explain that you cannot work due to your situation unless you are taken to a work place and brought back again. Tell him your situation. The gp will then when contacted by the jobcentre be aware of what is happening. Your agoraphobia does restrict you in getting another job as you cannot guarantee that in other jobs people will pick you up and bring you home. The benefits agency will make an appt for you to see an a personal disability advisor - they do home visits, so ask for this.
You are also eligible to claim housing benefit and council tax benefit. I would call your local council offices and explain the situation of you losing your job and ask them to send out the forms for you to fill in to apply for the benefits.
Apply as soon as possible and make a claim from the first day you were without employment.
I have previously worked for the jobcentre so just passing on some info that hopefully will help you.
I hope it all gets sorted out for you.

10-03-09, 17:26
hi emster
I was on incapacity due to anxiety for a while and i had to get a sickline off
doctor and then take it to local DHSS office while i filled in there incapacity form as poppy says your definately entitled to it.Ring them up and tell them your not fit to work and get a app with them and take along doctors sicknote.
ALSO fill in a council tax and housing form as you will be entitled to huge help with those also in my case im sure it was 90% rebate.
it will take about four weeks to process and then things will be a little easier for you but definately go down the incapacity route as it will ease things until you get back to work and keep in touch and let us know how you get on xx

10-03-09, 18:01
I think you are better off applying to the local DHSS office for incapacity benefit and remain on it for at least a couple of months until your illness improves and then think about going on job seekers allowance. I think it was very sympathetic and supportive of your previous boss to understand your illness and was able to make adjustments for you to continue working there. I have been in voluntary work and one of the places I have worked I don't think the boss was very sympathetic to my mental health problems so I have left that voluntary job. I think it would be a mistake for you to go on job seekers allowance at the moment as you sound like you are too ill to work and if you go on job seekers allowance you have to show them that you are actively seeking work and attend the job centre every fortnight to sign on.