View Full Version : Numb/weak arms and legs - PLEASE HELP!

10-03-09, 17:10

Please help if you can, I'm getting scared now :weep:

About 20 minutes ago my arms (forearms mainly) started to feel really weird - weak and numb. This then started in my calves. Also, as it started my stomach cramped a bit and then felt nauseous. My arms still feel really weak and strange, and trembly.

I felt really sick early today, as well as Sunday night, Monday morning and last night a bit. Got really upset this afternoon, couldn't stop crying. Now my forearms/wrists feel sore. I've had the numb/weak thing before in the last week or two, but not this bad.

I'm currently on 100mg sertraline for anxiety/depression (been on for 18 months). My life completely changed 2 weeks ago - my 12 year old son has returned to me after living with mum for 10 years, mum has been in hospital really poorly (home now, but boy staying with me).

So, could these symptoms be stress/anxiety?

Sorry to go on, just wanted to give as much info as poss and am really frightened now and worried that I can't cope.


10-03-09, 17:34
Also, am really clumsy lately. And all day, whenever I eat something my stomach cramps and gurgles. Am now having my first vodka in MONTHS because I need to calm down.

10-03-09, 21:32

What you are describing is all anxiety related. The best thing to do is take one step at a time and try and not over burden yourself with lots of "ifs" and "buts"

Please try to make some time for yourself (even just 5 or 10mins) each day and do some relaxation exercises. It will help you in the long run

10-03-09, 22:33
I am sorry to hear what you are going through. Have you been to see your gp? I would get checked out before assuming its anxiety related. Maybe you have a virus? However if it is anxiety then anxiety can make you feel absolutely terrible with its physical symptoms. I posted a few moments ago on another subject about how ill I was with anxiety and the physical effects. I used to get strange sensations in my arms, legs and back of thighs when I was massively anxious. Eventually I began to feel better with self help through learning how to relax, and through diet, exercise, CBT therapy and various other things. I stopped smoking and drinking cos this just aggravated the anxiety massively. I felt so much better for it. I found and still do that if I drink that the next day my anxiety is worse. If it is anxiety you have then it is probably being aggravated due to what you are going through with your mum being poorly and your young son coming back to live with you. It is a big thing for you both with your son returning to living with you after the amount of years he has lived with your mum. You will be able to cope though and you can do it. Do you have any support other than your mum who could help you whilst you feel as you do? I know it is frightening when you feel overwhelmed with anxiety and feel you cannot cope but take some time out and learn to relax. Think positively. Tell yourself you are strong and you can cope and you are not giving in, that you have your son to care for and you are not going to let anxiety beat you. How is your son coping being back with you?It must be difficult for him too .Do you have other people around you that you can talk to or who can visit who can help you? I hope you feel much better soon.

10-03-09, 23:10
I would suggest it is extreme anxiety, and that you are probably hyper ventilating all the time, slightly, without realising it. Google relaxation techniques and do some, and get some proper hard exercise to work off the excess adrenaline. It will help, promise, but only if you actually DO something!

11-03-09, 20:07
Thanks for your replies, your thoughts really help.

Just want to add what happened today! I had a full day off work today (yipee!) and decided to do something constructive. So, I dismantled the double bed in my son's room, moved all the furniture around, put up a single bed and generally went crazy. I started to feel weird again, and found I had to keep stopping. Then I had to lie down a few times. I had the really weak/numb arms again, this time they felt so heavy - right up to shoulders. I felt nauseous again, then had a few bouts of tears. I tried to keep going with the jobs because by now I had half a double bed in the lounge, the other half in my own room, and all manner of junk everywhere so that I couldn't even see the floor in my room.

While I was sat down (about an hour after this started) it all got loads worse. I was trembling violently all over and felt absolutely dreadful. I rang my gp surgery, and they got the nurse to ring me back. I explained how I felt and she told me to come see the doc. After checking my ears, throat, chest and reflexes he told me that I am 'viral'. Temperature, sore and ulcerated throat. Take paracetamol for a few days, see how I am in a few weeks. He said that a virus can cause the strange limb sensations. I reminded him that my own doctor had found me 'viral' in November, and that the symptoms of that (throat/sinuses etc) had never improved since then. I'll go see my own doc soon.

Thing is, I still think a lot of it may be stress/anxiety. But, my mum has just told me that the thing that started off her current bout of ill health was a virus in her blood. Both mum and me have been having the same symptoms for about 3-4 months now, ok for a few days then feeling absolutely wiped out/headaches/spacey. My sinuses have been playing up more than usual for a few months too. Cheek ache, coughing, generally flegmy (sorry, tmi). Don't know what's going on!
I've waffled on and on again, sorry :)