View Full Version : Lung Biopsy...

10-03-09, 18:50
Hi All
After weeks and months of back and fro with xrays and then a ct scan, I have been called in for a lung biopsy on a completly different part of my lung. I have to go on Thursday, am terrified, and wonder if anyone else has been up this road. The initial 'problem' turned out to be 'nothing'.
Worse, they have no day beds available so I must stay in tomorrow night!
Pegs X

11-03-09, 11:09
I'm so dissapointed that no-one can help me with this. Any info would be very welcome. In the meantime, I'm going through hell. Worst anxiety and I'm so upset. Positive news is that I saw my surgeon that did my breast surgery today, and he did stress that cancer is usually very visable on an xray. And my boobs are fine...
Pegs X

11-03-09, 11:14

I am sorry but I have no knowledge about this I am afraid so cannot help but wanted to wish you well tomorrow and I am sure it will all go well and you will be fine :hugs:

11-03-09, 11:19
Thank you Nicola. It's hell. My Plastic surgeon was really helpful and very sorry that I've had to have the stress to go with it. A biopsy sounds soooo ominous though. I don't have any chest symptoms at all which makes it weirder. I worry why would they go to such a great expense if all is ok?

12-03-09, 13:58
Poor you - really scary I bet. There may have been a thing on the x-ray that they wanted to check out..... and it will probably turn out to be nothing. Have you ever had a bad chest infection or anything....? It could be a mark from that... happened to a friend - who had the fear of god put into her and it turned out to be scar tissue from an old infection..... sounds like they are just being cautious....

12-03-09, 15:19
Oh pegs I'm so sorry I didn't see this yesterday. You must be terrified and I will be thinking about you today. I'm quite sure that cancer would have been visible on the X-ray......... so pleeeease try to keep that in mind. I just googled CT scan of the lungs and it seems that they have an EXTREMELY HIGH FALSE POSITIVE RATE. In other words they very often pick things up which look suspicious but which are nothing. Since you a) have no symptoms and b) had a clear X-ray I'm sure this is you.
Let us know how you get on.

13-03-09, 11:17
Hi Pegs - was thinking of you last night. Hope you are home now and feeling better, and that your night in hosital wasn't too horrid. Please don't forget to let us know how you got on......

13-03-09, 16:37
Hi Jojo and All
Thanks again for your encouraging words!
I was absolutley terrified and cried and cried, but the biopsy wasn't bad at all. I watched the whole thing on ct scan tv and could see the patch concerned. Problem was, my lung collapsed and I had to have the air drained.....absolute HELL. Won't go into detail as I don't want to scare anyone. Saw my Consultant this morning and have to have another, more detailed fancy type of scan, but only in a week or two as the biopsy could interfere with the result and give 'false positive'. Will see her again 1 April. Iv'e had about 6 xrays to check that all was ok and am home now. Whilst waiting for one, I opened my file, saw something I shouldn't have, and slammed it shut again. I had a silent panic attack there and then, but after taking some pills and calming down, realised that 'possible' does not mean definate or even probable. The Doc did mention that at least the 'mass' is small.....and glad that my GP had refered me at all...
Oh God. I don't know what to think but feel calmer than I have for a while, because nothing I do can change the results.
The waiting game begins again.....
Thank you all for your support. Will keep you updated.
Love Pegs XXX

13-03-09, 17:54
our thoughts are with you! keep us posted and we'll be sending good vibes your way!

13-03-09, 18:15
It sounds horrible - but glad it's over. How long do you have to wait for the results?

13-03-09, 18:29
Hello special people!
I think 2 weeks or she'll call me if any sooner. She did explain that I must wait for the other scan as the biopsy can cause the scan to give wrong results. I have to work through worst case scenarios to be prepared for anything. I am soooo impressed with NHS. I'm from South Africa, and it's great there if you have private (expensive and limited) medical aid but a bit buggered if you rely on the Govt. system.
I've had the very best treatment here so far, even if the Doctors look about 12 years old! Teachers and Policemen look young too!


14-03-09, 10:57
I know - and I always used to think teachers looked soooooo ancient - and actually, they were probably only about 24!! Arrrgh well - so we are all getiing older.

So why do you need another CT scan........ what would that show that the other one didn't.

Try not to worry too much about 'worst case scenarios'. The most likely thing, I guess, is scar tissue from a previous chest infection. And either way, whatever it is is too small to be picked up on an x-ray. That must mean it is very small. Also you have no symptoms, right? So several reasons to feel positive.
I don't know why my private messages aren't working, but always post on here if you need a chat....,.

14-03-09, 14:43
Hi Jojo

The other scan is very specific in looking for certain things. Don't have much more info yet until I get either a letter or a phone call. Back to dreading the arrival of the poor Postie!

Love Peg X

14-03-09, 15:08

Sorry to hear wot u are going through


sorry cant offer any advice but thinking of you.

love mandie x

14-03-09, 16:09
Thank you so much. What lovely support here!
Pegs XXX

14-03-09, 18:39
And you're right - it does suck - but you WILL get through it.
And p.s - I know you put on a brave face with your family, but feel free to spout about your most outlandish fears here.... we will understand and hopefully offer reassurence if we can. Honestly, if myy family knew half the screwy things I worry about on here I think they'd have me commited! But it is a relief to have somewhere to splurg....

15-03-09, 18:33
Hi Jojo

I know...it's brilliant to actually be able to voice ones thoughts.
I'm battling today. Worrying about tomorrow.
And we had such a lovely night and day out on our boat, but it's always THERE! Crappy.
I would love a clean bill of health.

Love Pegs X

15-03-09, 19:58
I know, this is the worst part, the waiting. But the odds are in your favour - chances are in a couple of weeks you WILL have a clean bill of health..... and what a great feeling that will be.
Thinking of you,

17-03-09, 12:24
Hi Peg-
How are you doing today? I hope the lovely sunshine is managing to make you feel positive about things!

17-03-09, 13:10
Hi there my Friend!

Yup..I've been out in the garden and had some lunch in the sunshine...absolutely glorious. Still worried as hell but had a nice chat to my Aunt which helped too.
Have to take my daughter to the hospital later for check up..she had her ears pinned back last year, beautiful job, and I'm going to pop in to see the lady who was in the opposite bed from me last week. She was amazing as I could bounce all this off her when I didn't have access to you guys!
Poor dear...I really bent her ear, but I think she secretly enjoyed being a mother hen for me!

How are YOU? Had official pregnancy test yet? How exciting, a new baby! My daughter is 15 and my son 12, but I will really enjoy being a Grandma. (Not too soon, though!)

Love Pegs XX

18-03-09, 09:12
Although I guess this sunshine is nothing compared to what you were used to in SA.

Oh, I am a bit screwy at the moment. I think it's the combo of the unplanned pregnancy (how will I cope??) and coming off the meds and this obssessive focus on my breasts. (This am, for example, I noticed that i have a slight milky nipple discharge - if I squeeze. Now I am in a state about cancer, although rationally I know it is prob normal since a) I am pregnant and b) I only stopped breastfeeding my son 2 months ago.). But I just feel so NERVOUS all the time....... horrid, horrid.

A girl first, then a boy. The same combo as me! (my little girl is three). Does it work well?

Glad to hear you sounding so together. Not too long to wait now, I guess...

18-03-09, 09:25
Morning Jojo

If you have only recently finished breastfeeding and preggie so soon, of course that's what's causing a little discharge!
I think it's really important you go to the clinic and put your mind at rest....especially if you are trying to cope without your meds.
I have the wobbles this morning, and my meds seemed to take ages to kick in. I have also been very wheezy for a day or two, and have a really snotty nose. Partly stress and partly a cold I think.
Sometimes I feel like a really good cry, but I can't do that as my Mum lives with us and I don't want to scare her.

My kids are both adopted, as I had 3 ectopic pregnancies, ivf, the whole tootie when I was younger. That was a nightmare, but totally forgotten the minute I got my baby in my arms! The girl then boy combo is as good as any, and like all families they fight like cat and dog!
My daughter of 15 thinks she's going on 30 so you can imagine!

Please try and cheer up. The weather is fantastic again...soak up some rays!

Love Pegs XX

18-03-09, 14:44
Yes - I dread the teenage years, I have to say! Stress can do terrible things to the body - you must be kind to yourself and have a good cry if you need to. Is your husband understanding? Yes, this weather is amazing....... summer time, almost...... can't wait!