View Full Version : one for the ladies

ann b
10-03-09, 21:08
Received abnormal smear test results last week and as you can imagine complete panic,only just started to calm down.Having not had regular smear tests due too my panic and anxiety has only added to my fears as the tests show severe changes so obviously ive allready convinced myself, i have my follow up appointment for next week and im hoping i can stay calm too attend this as i have become a quivering wreck.

Im quite new too no more panic and haven't been on for a while because ive kept myself off the net (i have a bad habit of googling lol) so i dont really no any one on here but was just wondering if anyone had gone through anything similar.

10-03-09, 21:38
Hi Ann,

I know exactly what you are going through as I had an abnormal smear showing severe changes when I was 27, I am now 41. At that time I didnt suffer with anxiety but still managed to get myself into a real panic thinking all sorts.

Anyway, let me put your mind at rest. I went to the hospital a few days later, I remember it well as it was valentines day and I was with my husband, it was just like having a smear again except they check where the abnormal cells are and then decide what they are going to do. With me, they burnt the cells there at then, it was a bit uncomfortable but nothing major.

I then had to have regular smears every 6 months for 2 years, then every year and now im back to every 3 years and have had clear smears ever since.

I still dread having a smear test but was told by the doctor that from the time you develop a change in cells it can take another 5 years to develop into the big C so it is good that they have noticed the changes now so they can sort it for you.

Please don't worry, I know it is hard, take care, Nikkixx

10-03-09, 21:43
i had an abnormal smear test in november showing borderline changes and i just had the repeat check last week. i am also afraid but thats probably to do with all the stories about jade in the press which is totally inappropriate as her case was really quite rare. we can sort this out together hun. i have another 5 weeks to wait til i get my second results :(

10-03-09, 21:58
Hello ann,

I can fully understand how worried you must be feeling. Several years ago i had an abnormal smear result and had a cone biopsy, which is quite a simple procedure. I am not sure what is planned for your follow up appointment, but no doubt the doctor or consultant will be able to explain in more detail what they plan to do. Sometimes they can look at the cervix in much more detail by using some sort of microscope - again this is an easy procedure - i have had quite a few of these examinations over the years because of problems with my cervix. I do know how troubling this must be for you, but please do remember abnormal smear results are quite common, and there are various methods which can easily deal with the abnormalities. I know how difficult it is to attend appointments because of this awful health anxiety, but it is important you follow through otherwise your anxiety will become intolerable. Please do feel free to pm me anytime, and i will be happy to offer my support. Whatever you do please don't google.

ann b
11-03-09, 21:13
Thankyou for your kind words starting too feel a little calmer after reading your replies thankyou so much tc