View Full Version : Chest issues! Can someone please help me?

11-03-09, 02:34
Hello everyone. This issue has now been plaguing me for a good 3 to 4 months now. I am 22 year old male and have been experiencing chest discomfort. It all started one night when i was really hungover from the day before. I started to experience heart fluttering and chest pain. This worried me enormously and was positive i was going to die right then and there. Ever since then i have been having mild chest pains, mostly on the left side, but sometimes its the whole chest. I have a history of health anxiety (got an echocardiagram 2 years ago everything came back ok). I just want to know if any of you think i have a serious heart issue going on. The chest pain has been happening alot more lately and usually happens day after i drink alcohol.

11-03-09, 02:44
First port of call is your doctor and if all is ok, which I think it will be , then maybe lay of the drink

11-03-09, 02:47
Anxiety + hangover =a bad day !!

11-03-09, 03:00
"The chest pain has been happening alot more lately and usually happens day after i drink alcohol."

I don't wish to be flippant about this, but providing you do as purplehaze suggests and your doctor gives your heart the all clear, then seriously the sentence I've quoted above show you recognise that alcohol increases the problem, thus seriously stop drinking for a while. Let your body and mind deal with your anxiety before drinking again, or at least as much....

After all as mickh555 said:

"Anxiety + hangover =a bad day !!"

11-03-09, 03:19
when i am hungover, my anxiety and physical symptoms are debilitating .. drink less, work out more, get another EKG, which i'm sure will be fine .. and your chest will regulate

11-03-09, 03:44
Hey Matt

Chest pain/discomfort can be really scarey, but as you pointed out yourself, it's worse after a night out on the drink. I'm not saying don't go out & drink, cause you're only 22 & that's what youngsters do,lol, just don't drink as much.

Please don't think I'm giving a lecture, just trying to help you. I have chest discomfort a lot & when it's on right side I think I'm having a heart attack but am a lot lot lot older than you:mad:

Go to drs, get it checked out, then when all is said to be ok, cut down the drink, it might help in other ways too.
