View Full Version : Think my doctor has run out of patience with me

11-03-09, 10:51
I have suffered with health anxiety since my Dad died from cancer 3 years ago and was compounded by having my gallbladder removed last April. I would like to say that my health anxiety is one where I have symptoms and always think the worst.

For the last 2 months I have had pain in my left shoulder blade area and in the last 2 weeks I have developped a chesty cough (with runny nose). I keep having panic attacks at home thinking I have lung cancer and when I speak to my doctor about it, she keeps telling me it's muscular and refuses to do any tests. Her reasoning is that it will fuel my anxiety, but I can not let it go and need the reassurance that I am ok.

I am sat here really scared about dying, but I am embarrassed to go to the doctors and I think she has lost patience with me and I feel like I am wasting her time. BUT I can't live my daily life and my boyfriend is getting frustrated with me. Why won't someone take my concerns seriously and help me? I know my body and I KNOW something is wrong.

Sorry for the rant people

11-03-09, 11:26
Hi Mondie

I know how you feel, when some-one close dies of cancer it makes you so aware of what can go wrong.
There is loads of flu and colds around at the moment and we as a family have one going on at any given moment. Maybe you should see another Doctor at your practise to reassure you? I have found they are all quite thorough, but occasionally a change can make a difference.
I try not to say too much in front of my family...I'm scared of scaring them!
Thank goodness for this wonderful site!
Peggy X

Judas Gamez
11-03-09, 11:39
first of all it is always tragic to lord someone close to you no matter how long it has been sometimes you can never get over it, sorry. 2nd i say switch docs if she is not taking you seriously because once you ease your mind you can go back to feeling at ease (atleast for now) and relax. 3rd you need all the support you can get so tell your boyfriend to be patient because your life is important and do not forget it. Best wishes

11-03-09, 11:41
I would change docs or keep going back until she gets bored and gives you the test. Thats my usual tactic x

11-03-09, 13:18
Ialso agree with all that's been said , I would go back and tell her exactly how this is affecting you and your quality of life as worrying and being anxious is awful, she has to understand what has made you feel like this in the first place, if she doesn't play fair I would try to change my doctor. I have a really good doctor who is understanding and really does put my mind at rest when I am worrying. But remember that everyone here will also help and support you xx

11-03-09, 21:11
HI Mondie

your doctor sounds like mine! She told me off yesterday and refused to speak to me until next week as she felt to do so was "feeding my anxiety" . I can totally understand your feelings as my mum died of breast cancer and to loose somebody so close in such a way is awful and leaves its mark on you

to try and reassure you I am sure if your doctor thought you had any symptoms at all of lung cancer she would refer you for further investigations, they have quite strict protocol to ensure patient suspected of such conditions are seen quickly, but I know despite this you may still feel worried as I still worry and get anxious myself despite knowing this

Have you spoken to your doctor about your anxiety and how loosing your dad makes you feel scared and anxious about how you are feeling? If you are not happy after this then is there another GP in your practice you could speak too?

11-03-09, 21:35

I went through several doctors at our surgery and I found the one who cares about people who suffer with anxiety, so go back and see another doctor, your entitled too.

The only problem I have are the ladies behind the reception desk.


loopy loo
11-03-09, 21:45
Hi Mondie,

Sorry to hear about your loss. It sounds as though it has been very difficult for you and now you are feeling the doctors are not really listening to you. I would suggest you go back to the doctor, a different one if you want to, and say that you cannot shake off the anxiety about it and would like to be referred to a counsellor. Letting out your feelings around the loss will help you.

Hope this helps,

Take care

Loopy Loo.

12-03-09, 00:46
Hey there, firstly i am sorry for your loss, i lost my step dad, he died of cancer, he was my dad i never knew my biological father as he died when i was 9 months old. It made it worse for me as i was only 7 at the time and he was nursed at home up until the time of his death. Nothing was ever explained to me about what happened to him until i was much older, i never even went to the furneral, but by then it was already to late. I was diagnosed with PTSD at 12 and ever since suffered from HA.

I probably spend far to much time going to my doctor, he is probably sick of me, considering he has been my doctor for 20 years, so he knows alot about me. I know its tough, my doctor tells me the same thing and wont do tests as he cannot find just cause to do them, which makes sense, however it doesn't help with anxiety and leaving the surgery feeling you have something dreadful. We have to, and this is hard believe in what we are told and break the cycle to look for reassurance from them all the time. This is what i am working on now with the help of CBT, have you got any help with coping with your HA?

Hugs xxxxxxxxx