View Full Version : Achy joints/bones?

11-03-09, 11:47
I dont normally post my HA worries on here but this ones really bugging me!

I get almost flu type joint aches in my fingers and sometimes i get short sharp pains in my legs and ribcage too....not really painful just annoying and i dont think they even happen everyday, or maybe i just dont notice them everyday?! Im having problems distinguishing real symptoms from somatic ones these days :weep:

I wondered if anyone else gets these..and if they turned out to be anything?? i have put on weight recently due to low thyroid which is just about under control now, my alcohol consumption is way too high and i spend a lot of time hunched over a computer or in an uncomfortable lecture theatre seat.....so logic would dictate that these fctors would at least have something to do with it, but HA is telling me Blood disorders, cancers and all sorts:doh: