View Full Version : HA & immune system

11-03-09, 11:48
Is it true that health anxiety can lower the immune system? The reason I ask is that I seem to be stumbling from one thing to another and it is really getting me down. I had sinus infection in Dec, a UTI at the end of Jan followed by yeast infection down below, then (possibly) a resurgance of the sinus infection in Feb that is still ongoing, and on Sunday I found a lump in my armpit that I thought was a spot...I say 'thought' because today so much pus came out of it that I'm thinking it might be a sebaceous cysts....unless it's a boil--is there a way of telling the difference??

I'm starting to get really shaky about this and I thought my HA was getting better!

Anyway, I made the mistake of looking on the NHS direct website to see how I should treat sebaceous cysts and lo-and-behold they talk about them being caused by a lowered immune system in the likes of...AIDS & cancer patients etc! Why do that they do that?? And they wonder why folks get HA!

I can't win...everywhere I look its cancer, cancer, cancer.:weep:

The thing is I had a blood test in Jan for blood counts and thyroid function because I am being treated for an overactive thyroid and they told me that my white and red blood counts were fine.

I am so confused.:weep: Sorry if this incoherent.