View Full Version : Flying abroad -scared s**tless!!

11-03-09, 11:59
Okay heres the deal i am expected in a few weeks too decide whether i go on a family holiday too corfu just a week of sun and lazing by the pool :) cocktails etc i have the money to go not much but dad said he will help me out as he wants me to be there - but i am absolutely dreading it the flight being away from my place of safety my home being away from my own bed dont even get me started on the flight:scared15: in 2007 i planned a holiday with two friends i checked in my bags was in international departures and had a massive panic attack i refused too board the plane and had too get my bags off and was left outside crying and lost £300 and a holiday too cyprus.In 2006 i went with my family it was an ordeal i was sick on the flight over and because of delays i was crying and in a hell of a state the return journey but however saying that i did have a nice time though was glad too come home - i dont know what to do i dont want this fear too ruin my life -help??

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eternally optimistic
11-03-09, 20:27
Hi Katherine,

Have you been to see your GP to see if they will prescribe you something.

I freaked a few years ago about doing the same as you, and didnt make it.
That felt like the beginning of the end.

I have read some people on here have used medication, but quite how successful it is, I dont know.

All the best.

11-03-09, 21:14
I would def see your GP about maybe taking something to calm you down before the flight. I am not scared of flying but get all wound up over the whole going away thing but I am fine once I get there. Let us know how you get on. If you start to get wound up then download a relaxation cd onto your ipod & try chill out a bit and just imagine yourself by the pool in the hot sun. Let us know how you get on.:) x

11-03-09, 23:27
I missed a holiday in November due to anxiety and panic. I have flights booked again for April . I am going to take a tranq if necessary. The dr thinks that knowing I can do this means I probably won't need to. He's given me chlordiazepoxide if I need to take one x

12-03-09, 12:20
I am the same, my husband has been looking at holidays abroad but i try to talk him out of it! I hate the thought of being away form home. And having to fly! I panic and all the rest of it!
I hope you can get through it and enjoy your holiday. Let us knpw how it goes

12-03-09, 12:33

I would suggest asking your Dr for a couple of diaz for the flight and take them just before, maybe an hour before to help relax you.
But remember your panic cant get any worse

1. on a plane
2. On the holiday
3. away from your safe place

You control the panic
So keep in mind that the panic has no identity
You are the one who decides and you will decide to not panic because you are in control and you are going to have a fantastic time.

12-03-09, 15:27
:cool: thankx for your replies it means a lot to me i have decided a big decision i AM going on holidays i told my dad this morning and whether im crying,sick shaking doubled up with cramps im going too face this and will just think of the pool the warm sun and me under an umbrella snoozing in the mid day sun:) :laugh: seriuosly scared i may have too take something too calm me down but hopefully i can just stay positive and all will be well watch this space......

eternally optimistic
12-03-09, 16:08
Good on you - enjoy.

Vanilla Sky
12-03-09, 16:54
Bluegirl, go to your doctor and ask for a few diazipam or something, it is a very common one nowadays being scared to fly even my rubbish doctor gave me 2 for a holiday last year and i took them and the flight was fine took the other one on the way back and had a nice relaxing flight and believe me i am the worst flyer !! Enjoy your holiday Love Paige x